Hubitat for AUS/NZ Chat

For anyone with the 2 gang GPO installed (3a Smart Home), can you confirm that the power usage is available/able to be used in rules? I assume it's not just an on/off situation.

Hey all, got it all running can see my Z-wave & Zigbee devices and managed to link google home after a few false starts...โ€ฆโ€ฆ now off to read the manual on making it do stuff and then buy a lightbulb for testing.


Hi @saxnix what are the functions that were not working with the oomi plugs? Power Consumption and led colour indication? Thanks

I think it had to do with not turning off the LED. There is a setting in the driver to disable it, but it never seemed to take. I had planned on setting some rules with a plug that would turn it on/off at various times for controlling how much time was set on the PS4. There might have been something else, but it was a few months ago and I have a shocking memory. I had never really planned on using it for the power consumption colour indication so didn't really look into it.

@saxnix Thanks mate.

Today I upgraded my Garage door sensor to version 2.0. It's now running a NodeMCU with ST_Anything (Hubduino). It's new features are:

  • Garage Door relay
  • Contact sensor
  • Temperature
  • Humidity &
  • Motion

Big thanks again to @ogiewon ST_Anything/HubDuino at master ยท DanielOgorchock/ST_Anything ยท GitHub


@jchurch how much was that all up ? and how much work is it to deploy ?

It cost roughly $10 AUD in parts (excluding the cabling). If your new to ST_Anything / HubDuino and Arduino IDE then there is an initial learning curve but once you build something simple like a 1 channel relay for garage door opener then you will learn what you need.

Note: i did end up having trouble with the motion sensor as apparently it can get interference from RF or power from being too close but everything else works a treat!!

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Yep I just installed the 3a nue zigbee blind motor and it works great. Just have it setup as a nue zigbee dimmer, set "on" as closed and "off" as open. Have it opening in the morning and closing at night on a schedule. And can control it with alexa..
I used a Bunnings roller blind as it has the right inner tube diameter Bunnings blind all worked out great..PS don't buy the ikea blind, inner tube diameter too small..
I think I paid a bit to much, but I'm to choose the colour I liked.. had to have it..

I think the Ikea blinds will surely be out soon too FYRTUR blinds battery powered.
another news report here FYRTUR blackout shades and I bet they'll be cheaper!

have you tied porting over the smartthings driver on the 3a smart home website? (second last from the bottom)

Anyone got any tips on a non hideous light switch guard for AU switches to prevent turn on/off for those that are driving smart bulbs? There seems to be options for rocker switches, but none like our standard clipsal style. What have people done to indicate to family that this switch is a no go?

What if you unclipped the mech from plate and left in wall. Then put a blank plate on!
Unless of course you still need to access switch when required! :grin:

my blank plates over the existing let me still have access / pretty much blend in (WAF was high) $35 for 10 of them and 2 second install with some DS tape to the top.

Nice. What did you end up buying from bunnings? I'm planning on moving all smart bulb switches to their own plate and then covering it like that, and then other lights that use in-wall switching will still be available.

those blank plates to go over the switches.
The ones that still have active switches (fans etc) still have tape lol

Which brand plates are they? Deta, HPM?

i'll have a look when i get home, I think delta as they have the 10pk of plates.

That looks interesting for raised plate.

yeah I just went over the top of mine with these

You found they still allow for the switch underneath though? I've got clipsal 2000 plates, so not sure if that'll fit over that neatly, but I could also grab one to try I suppose.