Hubitat for AUS/NZ Chat

@macdenewf @gbrown @njanda
My blitzwolf BW-IS4 temperature and humidity sensor arrived last week.and works with the Konke driver.
As it runs on 2 aaa batteries the voltage range will need to be adjusted.

Here is the code to add the fingerprint to the driver

fingerprint profileId: "0104", inClusters: "0000,0001,0402,0405", outClusters: "0019", manufacturer: "_TYZB01_hjsgdkfl", model: "TS0201"

So far it seems to be as accurate as my Mija sensor.
Here is the size relative to the Mija sensor.

I also got this motion sensor which I have modified a driver to work but haven't yet worked out the battery level as it has a rechargeable battery in it.
It is pretty big, has a 180 degree range and is very sensitive. I'm not sure if the sensitivity can be configured yet.
Here it is compared to an Aqara motion and a Fibaro multi sensor

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