Hubitat C7 Stuck on WiFi Screen

Ok I have found a solution.
I had my Hubitats on an isolated VLAN, separate from my client devices. I had already verified that the firewalls were not blocking any traffic between client and hubitats. Also, the working devices were also on the same client VLAN as the non-working clients, so it did not make sense that was the issue.
Other than my comment about the Hubitat somehow saving remote IP/MAC addresses. It appears this wifi setup page is some sort of captive portal.
So, I went ahead and moved the Hubitats to a new subnet on the same vlan as the necessary clients. Boom, works.
So it definitely has to do with whatever captive portal type of config Hubitat rolled out in latest release. My situation probably uncommon having clients on separate VLAN, so not many people will run into that. But should be fixed, nonetheless.

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