Hubitat after 15 days + zigbee PIR request

I'm playing with HE since 15 days and I like it so far.
HE hub, Caseta Bridge Pro + 10 dimmers and Pico's (I don't use them all), Yale lock. Symfonisk speakers, 3 Google Mini, 1 Google home. Vizio sound bar (+embedded chromecast)

Easy: integrate Lutron dimmers, integrate all google devices and Symfonisk, Yale was incorporated in 1 minute.

Funny: add pico's and manage to use all the 5 buttons for various purposes, including speeches, music and various lamps effects.

Annoying: I have from time to time apps that are working... that are still functional but I can't edit them after (unexpected errors). So, I make more than regular backups to protect my work.

Now, I'm searching for zigbee presence sensors and repeaters. I found that I can't use Samsung sensors (I'm in Canada) and there are "a lot" of almost compatible sensors. I don't want the cheap ones, I want to build a nice mesh of quality devices. I prefer to pay 2x the price to avoid problems.

Tell me what are your choices for those ? I don't need zigbee switches (I have my lutron Caseta) but zigbee repeaters in outlets. And some battery presence sensors to hook into that network.

Thank you everybody

I'm in Toronto. What's the reason you can't use the Samsung? I don't own them, but tested them and they both seemed to perform nicely and were well made. The contact sensor does have a bit large of an activation field, but other that it seemed to work fine.

I'm not going to put in a pitch for Xiaomi, but I will say that I don't have any trouble with multiple Trådfri repeaters also in the house. Depends on your needs though. If you want to go really high end, import the NYCE product. They are. :grin:

In terms of Zigbee presence sensors, I'm afraid your choice is quite limited.
You may wish to try and get an older Iris Keyfob:

But besides being difficult to get, I have found that they just aren't built well, and "die" after a awhile.

Just before purchasing (, I found a review stating that they don't work in Canada, so I cancelled my purchase. Because all those things with ST, I preferred to... but I have prime, so I can give them a try.
Trådfri repeaters ? Hmmm, but I want to replace my outlets and put an add-on (very old house, few outlets). Maybe hidden somewhere on a forgot outlet :smiley:
Thanks for the tip, I'll order then Samsung ones and give them a try !

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Same. 1926
I have several of these

EDIT: My reading comprehension isn't what it used to be. nevermind me.

Those simple motion sensor to activate the lights (stairs) and shutting them when there is nobody there.

Why would you think that those sensors wouldn't work in Canada? They even are a sponsored result on So, I would hope that they would work.

Also at Lowe’s until the 28th and The Source Until Sep 5 for same price.

My mistake. The customer spoke about the hub and not the sensors...

The ST hub works in Canada. That person says that the Sensor requires a hub, which is true.

but HE is enough to control them, right ?

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I'm confused do you want presence sensors or (PIR) passive infrared sensor? If you want passive Infrared Sensor just buy a good PIR and hook it up to zigbee contact sensor. That way your PIR doesn't need to be Zigbee. Optex makes some excellent PIR's. All my outdoor Motion sensors are installed this way. Way better then any zigbee or zwave motion sensor you can buy IMO

Well, that opens a new way to think for me...
I wrote PIR (because my honeywell alarm uses PIR, physically connected to my alarm system). But I want to activate lights (Lutron Caseta) when presence is detected (with some scheduling scheme) and deactivate them after few minutes if the room is empty. Not just a simple PIR that cuts power if the build-in electronic (sensitivity and timing - see pic) triggered.
If I read you well (english is not my mother tongue), I can put some zigbee sensors (like Samsung ones) for this OR hook regular PIR to zigbee contact sensors ?
Please take 5 minutes of your time and tell me more about this. Thank you

Are those the sensors you have installed already? Looks like a Honey well IS-280CM if It is I don't think it would work and you would have to add motion sensors. The reason I said you might want to go the route I did with motion sensors is because you said you wanted good ones not cheap ones the Optex motion sensors are great and give you lots of options with motion settings compared to any zigbee or zwave sensor. The Optex pir sensors have outputs on them so you can wire them to cameras or alarms and in your case contact sensors. If that is the honey well IS-280CM I'll have one of my Installers bring me one so I can see if it would work but I don't think it has a NO/NC output.

That is definately not an IS-280CM, which is an 8-30VDC powered surface mount PIR, with a N/O dry contact relay output (which will work for the described purpose, if you can source an adequate power source in the intended install location).

The pictured device is a recess mounted line voltage (110-240VAC) device, with a line voltage output intended to control line voltage lighting. The depicted device is definitely NOT suitable for use with a Zigbee/Z-Wave contact sensor.

are we saying the IS280cm is surface mount Im confused lol

The IS-280CM is a commercial ceiling mounted passive infrared motion sensor that provides a 360° detection pattern in a sleek, low-profile design housing. Optimum performance is achieved by using an advanced microprocessor and 100% tested pyroelectric element.
lol Nm i get what your saying not recessed

Isn't that weird that they would hook that to his alarm if that is what he has, If that is the case and that's actually hooked up to his lutron system he wouldn't even need to change anything though. This post is confusing me.

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The OP has an existing Honeywell alarm system that includes PIR motion sensors.

That is the reason he used the term "PIR" instead of "motion sensor". You use the term that you are familiar with...

He wants to be able to use a motion sensor to control his existing Lutron Caseta lighting.

You told him he could buy a PIR motion sensor and hook it to a zigbee contact sensor.
(This is actually a very ambiguous answer, as there are so many different motion/PIR sensors... and how would you get an appropriate power supply at a random location is a room? Besides, the IS-280CM is a $165CDN device + $25CDN for a contact sensor + unknown costs to install and power the devices - Not really a financially sound choice for a residential installation - Even the low end residental wired Honeywell PIRs are $25+CDN, and the residentials honeywell sensors are no better that the cheap chinese zigbee sensors.)

The OP asked if the device in the picture could be used with a zigbee contact sensor. It can not, as it is designed to directly control a line voltage light fixtures based on motion or ambient light level. He did not indicate that he has that device installed as part of his alarm system.

So... A more appropriate answer... (and Solution 1 has already been suggested before)

You already have a Lutron Caseta Pro bridge, so your Hubitat can control your lighting.

Solution 1: Obtain a Samsung SmartThings Motion Sensor (The new ones - In the purple box). They are currently on sale at various places ( / The Source / Visions / Lowes) for $28CDN. The are small, work perfectly with Hubitat and will install anywhere you want, and are battery operated (so you don't have to figure out a way to get a power source for them).

Solution 2: Obtain a Philips Hue motion sensor. They are a bit more expensive (around $50CDN), but they also work perfectly with Hubitat (They pair directly with hubitat - No Hue bridge required) and are battery operated (I recently had to replace the batteries in one of mine - after 2 1/2 years!).

Either of these solutions will get you a high end / High quality / reliable consumer grade motion sensor. that will give you years of trouble free operation.

Then, Once you have one or more motion sensors paired with your hubitat, you can use the built-in Rule Machine App or Motion Lighting App to have the motion sensors control your Lutron Caseta lights.

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