
I have setup hubconnect. I installed hubconnect 2.0 rc2.. on main hubitat i installed the hubconnect server, server instance, remote, and the driver. On smartthings i installed remote client, and the driver then went into settings and selected devices to share. Returned to main hubitat and added the remote hubs with smartthings and homebridge. once done i went into the devices and only new devices it shows is a smartthings hub as a device and homebridge as a device. I know im missing something simple here but cant figure it out.

HubConnect DTHs on SmartThings for the devices you want to share from there?

not to sound like a idiot but whats DTH's?

Old school SmartThings - Device Type Handler aka Device Handler (DH) aka device driver

ok that makes since. Yes i installed the smartthings device handler driver.

There can / should be multiples, i.e. I have the

shackrat : HubConnect Arlo Camera
shackrat : HubConnect Remote Hub for SmartThings

drivers loaded in addition to the

image shackrat : HubConnect Remote Client


Im trying to get my lifx lights from smartthings to be seen by hubitat. not seeing driver for them. ill have to try something different

May be able to use an RGB or RGBW HC Driver

will try that..Thanks

Just in case anyone wanted to know i found the fix and it was simple i didnt even think of it. Use Hubitat package manager and searched Lifx. install it and searched network for lights and now it all works. almost ready to shut down Smartthings for good and throw it in my box of old tech....

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On a related note, have you tried just connecting your LIFX to Hubitat directly instead? There's no out-of-box support, but there is a community integration. That will undoubtedly work better than going through ST's cloud to control your lights every time and give you the speed and reliability benefit of Hubitat's local processing:

Also, while it's too late now, I would not post about the same problem in three different threads. Easier for everyone. :smiley: The solution you found was already mentioned in both of these:

Glad you got something figured out in any case!

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