Hub went unresponsive again, because of InFluxDB

Everything was running good for past couple if days. Upgrade hub to latest tonight and I was able to navigate around after the update. Left it alone for about an hour and now can't connect to any page. Port 8081 is working. :frowning:

What is going on.....

Before anyone ask.. no webcore OK..

Did you perform the revert? Did it work ?

What Apps are on your system"

I power cycled it first.. it booted to the login prompt. I tried to login but it just sat there. I restored to previous version and was able to login again. I then upgraded to latest version. It booted to login prompt. I was able to login but pages were slow to load but now seems speedy again.

Custom apps are

Bloomsky Connect
Open Contact Check
Cobra Apps
Envisalink Intergration
Smartlife RGB Light Connect
Welcome Home

The rest are all built in apps.

Nest Integration?

I don't use Nest

I use:

Open Contact Check
Cobra Apps
Welcome Home
Average All

Haven't had any issues, can't comment on your other custom apps.

Edit: How about google home integration?

How I found out the hub was unresponsive was because I was trying to go to sleep so I asked Alexa to turn off the bedroom Lights but Alexa responded with the bedroom Lights is not responding. At this point I try to connect to the hub but it wouldn't connect.

I added Google integration again yesterday and it has been running ok since.

I'm assuming you installed the latest hotfix? There were some issues with the Alexa integration released in it just a couple of hours ago.

There are some issues with the google home integration that might be throwing some errors (check your logs) . @mike.maxwell is aware of it and is working on a fix, he just identified it a couple of days ago.

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Yeah strange thing is I don't see any errors in the live log or past log. Things were humming along great then out if the blue I couldn't access the hub.

It happened to someone (@GatVlieg ) yesterday also right. I am wondering if it's the same thing or not.

How many devices do you have integrated in the google home integration? I would imagine if this were causing any "hidden" errors it would definitely be worse if you have a ton of devices.

Aside from that theory, I'd say you may need to reach out to support to see if they can look at the full logging to find the issue. They're usually very quick to reply.

90 devices enbled in Google Integration. This is not the first time I've seen this so @bobbyD is aware of this. I would love to see what log he's looking at. Last time he mentioned that it was the driver for the Aeotec home energy monitor but that was not a driver problem. It was the device sending data in CRC16 format and the hub does not support it so there were tons of messages in the log. I correct the device parameter now so it is no longer sending the crc16 anymore.

I am glad my second spare hub just showed up today. Will transfer everything over to that hub to test this weekend.

I have a 120mm fan blowing air at the hub just to make sure that it's not over heating. So definitely over heating not an issue.

I experienced the same thing yesterday, although my hub was on 2.0.1 not the 114 hotfix.

^^^ this is known to freeze hubs.

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Nooo...I just installed InfluxDb this week.
That's remote reboot and data logging both killed in one day.

Truthfully, I have noticed a bit of lag since installing influx. I plan to disable logging in the app and see if that helps. Right now it logs excessively and I'm hoping that's all it is.


When my Docker Container of Influx DB crashed and burned the InfluxDB Application in Hubitat was screaming with errors.

It seemed ok when it had someplace to hurl the data. It's bumped back down to the bottom of my todo list.

I really like to know what about that app that can cause the hub to freeze? I have logging turned off completely for the app. I am sure the community would love to get this app blessed by the Hubitat dev guru.

As a data point, the same thing happened about 5 days ago but at the time I didn't have influxdb installed.

Ok fine.. disabled influxdb for now. I bet a six pack with someone that it will happen again.