Hubitat Elevation Platform update 2.0.1 is now available:
Please note, the process takes about a minute to download (depending on your Internet connection) and extract the hub update, and 1-2 minutes to perform the update after you click 'Update Hub'. We recommend that you periodically download a backup of your setup from the Settings page, Backup and Restore.
Changes from 2.0.0:
Drivers and Devices
- New drivers:
- Neo Coolcam Motion Sensor
- Zooz S2 Multisiren
- Fibaro Dimmer 2
- New devices:
- NEO Coolcam Door/Window Sensor using Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor
- Sylvania Smart+ Outlet using Generic Zigbee Outlet
- TKB Dimmer Socket using Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer
- New driver features
New Built-in Apps
- Thermostat Scheduler. See this: Thermostat Scheduler [RELEASED]
New Built-in App Features
- Rule Machine
- Added app events.
- Added random messages.
- Toggle switches and dimmers now toggles each one independently.
- Mode Manager
- Added app events.
- Added other modes to use times for returning with presence.
- Added other modes to not allow times changing mode.
- Motion Lighting
- Added app events.
- Hubitat Safety Monitor and HSM Custom Rules
- Added app events.
- Simple Lighting
- Added app events.
- Hue Bridge Integration
- Added polling option with rates, including disable.
- Implemented transition time option for set level.
- Implemented level change for bulb drivers.
- Implemented Polling optimizations.
Bug Fixes
- Mode Manager: fixed switch for mode change, one switch two modes bug.
- Motion Lighting: fixed bug where it would not turn on thinking light was already on.
- Hubitat Dashboard: fixed Pin dialog to be mobile compatible.
- Fixed Apps with UI 24 hour time input not updating properly.
- Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer: fixed digital command reporting issues.
- Fixed 500 error on local OAUTH2 page.
- Fixed mobile landscape font size increase (font now stays same size).
- Rule Machine: fixed bug in Schedule at sunrise/sunset.
- Hue Bridge Integration: Fix duplicate event generation.
- Alexa Skill: Cloud traffic optimizations.
- Fixed Hue RGBW driver color command event failure.