Hubitat Elevation Software update 1.0.9 is now available:
Please note, the process takes about a minute to download (depending on your Internet connection) and extract the hub update, and 1-2 minutes to perform the update after you click 'Update Hub'. We recommend that you periodically download a backup of your setup from the Settings page, Backup and Restore.
Changes from 1.0.8
Additions / Changes
- Added optional voice parameters to textToSpeech method to support additional Voices
- Added TTS SSML parsing for embedding commands in TTS speech
- Added CRLF to HubSoapAction instead of just a LF
- Added Virtual RGB and RGBW Drivers
- Added Duration and LocalDateTime classes to allowable classes for Drivers and Apps
- Added Mode Manager Return from Away for button
- Added Composite device support. This allows you to create "child" devices from a "parent" device
- Added Logging for Z-Wave Exclude messages to show in Live Logging (Open in another tab)
- Added LAN message errors in Live Logging
- Added NanoLeaf refresh and updated colorMode names
- Button Controller added additional music player commands
- Rule Machine added additional music player commands
- Generic Z-Wave Shade removed capability switch level from shade driver
Bug Fixes
- Hubitat Dashboard
- Fixed save to home on IOS now stays in "app" and shouldn't open in Safari for new links
- Fixed level to only send values 0-100
- Fixed button (push) commands sending to single id when device is linked to multiple tiles
- Fixed layout save on each tile move in tile preview
- Fixed secondary commands being handled properly
- Sonos fixed restore with line/SPDIF inputs
- Hubitat Safety Monitor fixed audio alerts
- Fixed Attribute name for Valve capability
- Fixed NPE on install in Virtual Bulb Drivers
- Fixed ThermostatSetPoint issue that was reported
- Fixed Meter Report NPE that was reported