Has anyone else had issues with slowness on their hub? I have events that fire late or not at all and even logging into the hub can be very slow.
I don't think I have a ton of devices or even a ton of apps, so I am not sure what could be causing this. I opened a support ticket to see if they can figure it out, but this is very frustrating.
I’ve had an open ticket as well for this reason. They have acknowledged a problem that they promise will be fixed in the next update. Most of my delays are with Z-wave devices, but some Zigbee bulbs are also slow at times.
What I was referring to is the Other Hub integration. If you need the integration, just set it up only for the devices needed. I had probably 60 or 70 devices talking to both hubs, just so I could use Action Tiles. Since a dashboard is now available on Hubitat, I ditched the ST hub.
I am only using it for the window contact sensors which are part of my AT&T digital life. I think I have like 14. I only need it so I can use the hubitat Dash. I am not doing any integration with those contact sensors at this time.
I moved all my hue and other ZLL bulbs back over to my hue bridge, and used our integration to get them all back. The ZLL bulbs make lousy ZHA routers, I've had very few zigbee issues since doing this.
I didn't move them back to st, I paired them back to my hue bridge, then installed our hue integration...
The only time my st hub comes online is when I need to debug or write a driver for one of their sensors...
Anything connected to HA results in a delay when the problem happens. I have 2 hue dimmer switches that ultimately lose the ability to control the bulbs through HA. However, turning things on via the dash board or hue app seems to work fine.
My suspicion is there’s a memory leak somewhere and it’s filling up the ram, and once the ram is full everything slows down or hangs up. It’d explain why rebooting seems to fix it for some people, for a while. It’s most likely specific to an app or driver though as it’s not affecting everyone.
I have had an issue with some zigbee devices causing issues on the HE hub.
I’ve worked with support on this and they believe they understand what is happening in will be coming out with a fix.
Can I also say that when we have issues it can feel extremely annoying and make us fell that the product is not delivering what it promises.
What we should all remember that HE is very much in its infancy and problems will continue to crawl out of the woodwork because we, as customers, do things that the development team probably didn’t consider.
As long as the HE team keep recognising issues and fixing them, we should end up with a product that we are all reasonably happy with.