Zooz 4-in-1 are not ghosts and looks very healthy.
Are they preventing me from removing ghosts?
I did hit the "Remove" button hundreds times by now.
Unfortunately this did not work and Logs is not showing
anything related to the removal process.
What I am doing wrong?
The issue with the 4-in-1's is that they don't pair right with the c7 and are so chatty they can crash your mesh. It's a known issue and why if you look at the compatibility list shows that it's not compatible with the c7. You have ghosts according to support so making sure those are cleared and the zooz sensors are removed things will start getting cleaned up for you
In addition to the ghosts and the 4 in 1s, the double plugs and power strips are set to report power/energy very frequently, which may be enough to overwhelm the radio. And to top it all off, the double plug is known to cause problems on its own, that's why I shared the link to the incident, in my earlier post:
I remember that... Zooz seems to have been quiet here lately. Do you know if they've gotten anywhere in updating their firmware for any of these problematic devices to solve these issues? Dunno if you guys have been keeping in touch about the issues