Hub rebooting randomly for 3 weeks

It makes sense yes.

Iā€™d be factory resetting the hub and starting clean.
Read here :

waiting forward to Your experience on this case as I am having the exact same sympthomps here. I'll also try the device watchdog.
In my case the reboots are at random times as well but the most annoying and freaquent reloads happens at the exact time I am composing a rule machine task...

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Hey man,
Iā€™d not be adding more Apps or Rules to a failing HE implementation.
Iā€™d be doing the exact opposite and getting it stable.
Just my thought. :blush::+1:t3:


Yes, sure thing. In the begging I removed all of them and checked the result for 1 whole day. The hub rebooted like 4-5 times during that day. On the other hand: when I am not adding new rules and just using the hub as is (just about 25-30 rules/apps since a use it for like 3 weeks now) the hub seems to reboot at times I am away and it has not really much to do and be working fine while I am @home. So it's then not annoying from a user perpective. It's like adding rules makes it having hard time but afterwards - seems to be getting a bit better :open_mouth:

Setting up this rule made it reboot like 15-18 times.... and now working just fine with no reloads...

Ok, Iā€™m my book that Screams a hardware problem and the HE hub and power supply should be swapped out. Send an email request to support@hubitat @bobbyD

With nothing on the hub it should NOT be rebooting over time.
Having log files to support this would be good !

Should I check with any other power supply first or straight to HE support?

Email Support and follow their lead. :slight_smile:
Either way you bought gear that should be working.

Hi @Luk3

Since my last post I did two things :

  • reset my z-wave radio, as asked by support. This was not a problem for me as I mostly run my hub with zigbee devices. Only 3 z-wave devices and related apps to re-do, it took me 1 hour.
  • as advised in this topic, I changed my power supply and the USB cable.

It's a little too soon to say that it worked well, but for now I did not have any reboot for the last 42 hours. I had one or two reboots per 24 hours, so for now it seems like an improvement but I will wait a few more days to be sure.

I think the supply power may have been the issue.

@bobbyD Anyway, I am not very happy with support on this. I received an email from them saying that it was not a hardware problem (how could you ever rule that out by remotely checking logs ???), and for now it seems to me now that the supply power was indeed faulty. It's not the major part of the HE package, but still something was faulty there.

If my hub starts rebooting again, I will revert all my devices to my old smartthing hub (which finally was less faulty than the HE for now), and then test the HE hub blank with factory reset. If it goes wrong again, I will be able to assess with certainty that it is hardware related and I will push for a replacement.

@hgozilla thanks for the update! I will test the power in the first place than.

I will get back here in order to leave my experiences for later on users with simmilar occurecies.

In my case it came out that the power supply was faulty. Changing it resulted in 28h (and counting) of not interrupted work :slight_smile: I've even made some new and more complicated rules. Not even a choke for HE :slight_smile:


I have the same problem. Recently I thought that could be a IKEA Tradfri repeater problem but now I see something else. Every time a restart occurs, I see that a backup was created a minute before I get the reboot notification.

@andrzej.stolarczyk No reboot on my side for now 86 hours. It really seemed to be the power supply. I would use another one like @Luk3 and I did. I had the same than you regarding backups.

Anyway, it appears that power supplies are not very good quality. I hope the inside of the hub is not the same...

Very good community though, very helpful and responsive.

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@andrzej.stolarczyk it seems not to be much of a struggle just to swap the power supply for another one and find out if your problem is same as mine :slight_smile:
Please give us a sign regardless the effect :slight_smile:

Yep, you're right. I've just replaced that shitty power supply with a Little less shitty (from ikea) power supply.

That could be the solution because maybe the backup operation in the end uses more power and the power supply could not handle that much.

That could make sense since my hub was rebooting most frequently during creation of 'rule machine' apps which could have stressed the hardware a bit more than regular work - used more voltage!? :open_mouth:

Current (Amps) .... (not potential difference -Volts).


I had the same problem when I got my HE. Replaced the included USB power adapter and it has been working great ever since.

True. I'll remember to write more precisely.
Any way I was about to say that the HE unit seems to be having problems uder more load with some of power supply units that are being delivered with.

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What amp power supply are you guys using instead?