Hub process slowdown after TIME

My thoughts too.

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Hard to believe, because evidence with support / facts show it isn't true... :man_shrugging:


Thank you!!! I thought I was the only one that noticed. I felt like Mugatu (Will Ferrell) in Zoolander.


I know for sure that support could see things on my hub that I couldn't when I was having zombie zwave nodes issues a while back. It's frustrating knowing there is more information available that we aren't "allowed" to see when problems arise.

I'm sure it is a self preservation thing - and I can appreciate that. I would GUESS (as I can't see the things either) that they are raw/unpolished and require some knowledge/insight to read/interpret.

As such, exposing them to the masses would likely just cause a lot of confusion and more questions/burden on support,

Maybe they are working on making the data more end user readable/friendly, and will let uis see it later when it is in an easier to use form.


I believe it was Chuck that said they try to make any newly discovered errors output to our logs. Hopefully, with every firmware update we will see the previously unavailable logs. No way to know for sure, but I trust that they would do this because it would benefit both support and the end user.


Did you let @adamkempenich know? Like you said, because you used an older version, it is possible that the problem doesn't happen with newer versions. Nonetheless, I'm sure he'd like to know.

They have been :slight_smile: 0.88 fixes them, but there’s still one part of that code that can cause a 500 error. This is solved in 0.89—when I get home I’m going to deploy this version.


Nope! But you did. Thanks @aaiyar!


Hello all,

I resolved my original hub slow downs by doing a soft reset. Anyway I have a server I use to remotely manage my network etc. Today I logged into that server and as I usually do I was using Chrome to access the hub UI and it was painfully slow.

I decided to reboot the hub to see if this helped the UI response times. It did not so I opened my firefox browser and it was responsive I then went back to Chrome as I was clicking a link in the hub I noticed it said waiting for so I researched this a little more and found out this could be caused by Chrome extensions so I disabled all extensions and now the UI is responsive in Chrome as well.

Anyway I wanted to share what I discovered today and I wanted to be clear this was not my original issue as the delay was also noticeable in the rules processing etc with my original issue.

I only had 5 extension enabled but I guess one of them was bad, I'm going to leave them all disabled for now.

I felt this was important to share in case anyone else is having the same issue in the web interface.


Good to know! I use Chrome almost exclusively so I'll try this the next time I notice a slow UI!

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One point that I have found out from personal experience, that is NOT in the wiki documentation:

After doing a soft reset, which should correct databases errors, it is important, not just to reboot the hub, but to shut it down (use the settings -> shutdown command), and leave it off for approximately 5 minutes, which gives the radios time to power down.
(Thank you @waynespringer79)


Can someone link to the process for that? I'll gladly add it to the OP.

Soft Reset Wiki Documentation:

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I am having a similar case of hub slowdown. Will try the soft reset and see what the results are. Interested if anyone has found other techniques to diagnose and resolve.

Check your logs for errors. I also try to integrate only what’s absolutely necessary into Alexa. I don’t have motion and contact sensors in there, and only group devices instead of individual bulbs where possible. I don’t have any of my hue lights integrated From HE to Alexa. I use the Hue skill in the Alexa app.

On a related point, are there any plans for Hubitat to offer a bigger and more powerful hub? Given the investment I have in HA I'd gladly pay 5-10 times more for a big beast that can provide great performance over a long period.

Just buy more hubs and use HubConnect to integrate.


Good points. I have been checking the log and looks clean. I've got only Hue groups from HE in Alexa, no motion or contact or anything else from HE into Alexa.

I was thinking of exactly that but woulds prefer 1 hub. Are there examples of people doing this with good results? Would hate to have 2 or more hubs that are each slowing down, etc.

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