Hub has ground to a halt. Extremely slow

Have you tried removing and reinstalling the integration app?

Without removing the devices, Or should that be fine?

I could really do without the pain of having to re-add everything and my automations.
I'm currently going back to as I've spotted something which could have been my fault, so need to check if that's the case, But at this stage, I'm will to try anything. Even toyed with a complete reset.

Can’t say for sure. I had an issue with the app when it was new. Don’t recall exactly what it was, but had to go through it twice to get it working. However, this was with nothing setup when the app was just released.

Just do a full backup before you try it and there’s nothing to be concerned about if it doesn’t help. You just restore from backup at that point and you’ll be right back to where you are now.

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Cheers @SmartHomePrimer, I'll see how I go now back on and maybe tackle that one tomorrow if needed. I'm fairly sure I read in a post somewhere that there were issues a while ago. But I'll be damned if I can find it now, I could have sworn a fix was in one release. Its also possible I dreamt it :wink:

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edit:, yes the app synchs every 60 seconds, not every 5 minutes.

I do apologise @mike.maxwell I should have put my glasses on, its every minute. Is this normal? More than willing to remove and install again if its a painless exercise?

yes, that's what it's supposed to do.
So to figure out if it's Hue or whatever is supposed to turn Hue on.
What happens when you go to a Hue device from your driver list and run it from driver details, does that turn on and off as expected?
If so, then you'll need to look at what app is being used to manage the Hue lights.

This is really what I was addressing by suggesting an uninstall and re-install of the app, not the syncing events. Please do consider what @mike.maxwell suggests over my suggestion to uninstall. He obviously knows far more about the integration. I'm just a user with some experience, not an expert on the Hue integration. :smile:


I've tried them all @mike.maxwell, RM, Motion Lighting, Simple Lighting. I don't see much of a difference between them.

I have uninstalled, and re-installed, so busy re-adding back into their routines. Then I'll do a walkthrough and see what the outcome is.

As a first start, lets just get the integration installed, then go to to one of the hue bulbs, and try turning it on and off via the driver details.
If that works as expected, then we can rule Hue out as being the issue.
Then we take it from there...

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Yeah tried that Mike, all good. also simple push button, toggle bulbs also working fine.

At the moment, triggering with motion also good, but its not long since rebooting. It does appear that its something which occurs after time. Its late here, and will let it settle and continue testing tomorrow. Many thanks for the assistance and suggestions.

Just thought I would update here with a post of have put on the 'Patched webCoRE' thread.

After the recent issues I decided to move everything back to HE and run the majority of things using around 90 pistons.
Before doing this I had most things running on HE RM.
I have noticed that things run significantly slower on webCoRE than the native HE apps.
I have been through every piston on the HE hub and clicked DONE but this doesn't seem to make much difference for me.
Anyone else seeing noticeable delays when using webCoRE on HE?
PS. I am at the latest version for all the webCoRE apps.

(My guide for timings is a cupboard door opening and a light coming on/off when contact sensor opens/closes).

probably need's Bruce's reply too.. to be fully complete.

I think the advice is good... review each of our automations and apply the tool that does THAT best. WebCoRE is going to be best (obviously) for the most complex and by extrapolation, the least time sensitive.

( Note: I used WebCoRE extensively on ST but have never, ever tried it on HE. )

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I'm with you on that. I loved webCoRe on ST, but that was because the vacancy of any good rulte machine, mostly. When I came over to Hubitat I decided to stick with things I knew wouldn't be a problem and try not to be hacky about it. webCoRe is pushing the limits of what we should be doing with this Hub I think. Yes, not everything I could do with webCoRe is in Hubitat today, but by and large i don't miss any of the complexity.

I don't need the complexity WebCoRE offers.. yet I did love the interface. More my "mental style" than RM. But hey, I have 8-10 different programming language syntaxes bouncing around in my head. I tend to "design" an automation using some kinda internal pseudo language and then translate it to the true language of the moment. Very Rube Goldberg, but I get where I'm going, so far.


I've begun to experience pretty major automation delays and full out hub crashes. Been working with support to try to find it. They apparently have access to better permanent logs than I. They've told me my device is suffocated by lan requests and that there's an exception being thrown regularly that is not showing in my logs (except right after reboot, once). The exception is being thrown by an app with no name. Literally the logs show a blank space (found by inspecting the DOM).

I've been unable to determine where I went wrong. I've obviously been testing lots of custom apps. I think it got twisted around the axle at some point. I think I need to reset to factory and start again now that I know what I want to use, I'll fiddle a lot less this time.

Can anyone reveal the reset process?

Two items....

  1. Hubitat Support will need to "push a button" on their Portal to re-enable the registration process. (Reset keys.) Therefore, some time before Step 11, get that started. It's a human process, so it will take some time.

  2. There are 2 Databases, one within the Hub, one out on the ZWave Stick. The process outlined is 50%. There's a separate process to reset the Stick. The pairing is done to the stick. without resetting the stick, the Hub will detect the pairing DB on the Stick. This can be a real time saver, not having to re-pair, but it can equally be the cause of additional problems. Discuss with Support.

Bottom line... both steps require a conversation with Support, get it started early. :smiley:

Unfortunate that this process is so involved.

We can help you out today, I'm sure. Contact me here by PM and we can get you fixed up.


How many companies would reach out on labor day? These guys rock!