Please make the grouping of component devices with their parents an option. I'm running a Google device handler that has 11 children named for the room they are in and I liked the first release where they showed up with the other devices named the same way.
Ask and yee shall receive.
Sorry I wasn't clear, I want the child devices to be listed individually, not grouped with the parent device. I can see that some might want them to be grouped so I meant to make it be a request for an option that either lists them individually or groups them.
I have to say, I'm super impressed with what the HE guys have pulled together. They are much more considerate and attentive to their users than any other tech. company I've been a customer of.
We first released 2.0 with child devices listed individually, and there were screams of protest. Prior to 2.0, child devices were grouped with the parent. So we 'reverted' back to grouped with the parent device.
Making it an option may be doable, we will look into it.
It would be awesome if this setting could be done at the individual parent driver level. May want some grouped and others not.
Thanks for considering it!
2 posts were split to a new topic: Nest Oauth Codes
When is the plan to have legrand switches or artik cloud intregated? Also carrier infinity thermostat?
Once you have these you definitely have new customers.
Is the 2.0 release actually a new physical hub?
No new hub. The 2.0 release was a major software update, not new hardware. Information on the upgrade is here:
(Though I can see how it could be confusing, as I'm saying there was "no new hub" released, and the title of the link is "New hub release")
Ok good. I was asking because I just ordered one. Thanks!
Welcome to the community!
Thanks. Not looking forward to migration, but I think it'll be well worth it when it's done