Hub Drops Offline

I’ll will try and do that soft reset after work tonight with the hub continuing to go offline. I have to start paying attention to my light switches again until this is fixed. : )

Do you have any power reporting devices? Are you running maker api?

I think all the devices that are run with batteries report their power. My set up is mostly philip hue and motion sensors

By power reporting devices I believe he is looking for outlets or circuit monitoring devices that are reporting on current flowing through them. Battery powered devices generally only check in 2-3 times a day to report battery viability status.


Ok. I have some power outlets but I don't think they report the flow. I'm working on the soft reset tonight since it went offline again randomly.

Did the soft reset and restore. Hub continues to randomly stop firing rules. The app can’t find it but the direct ip address works. Frustrating if I’m working a night shift and want to walk in when it’s dark and have the lights turn on.

I’m hoping to dig out my version one and C4 to see if those actually still work. I never had this problem with either of them.

Forgive me if we’ve already covered this, but can you post your zwave details?

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I believe everything is zigbee. Under the z wave details, there are no devices

Hmmmm, might have device going bad then which will be challenging to find. Any devices showing a larger number of events or an abnormally high run time percentage?

Where is that information?

Logs|Device Stats

Done. Nothing really showing much for large number of events or high run time. This is skewed by the fact that when the Hub stops working, I have to pull the plug and I think I lose all the data. I looked for a way to have the log save automatically for troubleshooting but I haven't found a way yet.

The crashing is still random as I can tell. I know it's happened when lights don't turn on when i enter a room.

My Hub froze up twice in one day, then went for two weeks, and froze up again today. You're right, it is pretty random. I can't find anything significant in the logs.

Question: If I were to purchase another Hubitat, how difficult would it be to get all of the z-wave devices connected to the new Hub?

My name question is concerned right now if I can save my current configuration on the C7 and reload it on a C-5. My C5 and C4 were pretty good. Only reason I don’t use the C4 is that I can’t access it anymore. Plugged in the network doesn’t recognize it and I don’t see any way to reset it

It really depends on how many devices you have. You just excluded from one device and add to the next. If you only have a few, it should not take very long

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Do you have your hub connected to a UPS? Maybe there is some sort of electrical issue going on somewhere.

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Couple of things to try.

  • Try throttling the CPU with endpoint. The hub will run a bit slower overall, but automations spend most of their time talking to devices, and practical effect is minimal.
  • Is there anything on the network using jumbo frames? Those are unusual for home networks, but they can freeze the hub.
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A jumbo frame is an Ethernet frame with a payload greater than the standard maximum transmission unit (MTU) of 1,500 bytes . Jumbo frames are used on local area networks that support at least 1 Gbps and can be as large as 9,000 bytes.

Normally these need to be specifically enabled on your router. Sometimes this setting is promoted by router vendors as enhancing the streaming media capability of their devices.


No UPS, my Hub has power all of the time. I have a dd-wrt router, I don't think I'm using jumbo frames, couldn't find it in the router setup pages.

I throttled back to 1000000, I'll see how that works. If I want to go back to the default speed at some point, what is the command to do it?

beRad, did you ever find the solution?