Hub C8 becomes unreachable and stops functioning


My C8 randomly stops running any automations. I cannot reach the hub via the app or IP address (which is static). The light on the hub is green. I am forced to pull the usbc to reboot the hub and then it goes back to working correctly.

I have attempted a soft reset (same results after, 1-2 freezes a week). I updated to the (at the time) latest update (same result). My C7 seemed to work perfect on the same setup before I merged.

I have starlink for internet which is fairly reliable. Could a network disruption be freezing my hub?

I only have zigbee devices and a couple wifi integrations.

Here are my logs including the last action before it froze.

Any ideas? My wife is starting to resent my “sometimes” smart house haha.

If there is anything I could be doing better to help debug, please let me know.. I’m pretty new to hubitat as a whole.

If the hub light is green everything is running.... have you tried checking to see if the IP might have changed when this happens or if its still connected to the cloud?

J'ai eu le même problème et je l'ai réglé en le connectant le C8 à mon réseau filaire directement avec un cable, Depuis 3 mois je n'ai plus de trouble.

When it happens I cannot reach it via the app or IP address. The app dashboards show blank, and my devices won’t load. All animations stop functioning despite the green light.

Is the hub using the wifi or is it wired into the router ?

Sorry, I should have included that! Ethernet! Thanks for the replies!

You should read this post: ‼ READ FIRST - Before Posting in Get Help

It has some suggestions and also a bunch of questions specific to your issues, which if answered, will give us the full picture and avoid a bunch of back and forth questioning.