Do this is the second time this has happened. I leave and forget to set the alarm. SO I bring up my dashboard on my phone and arm the system. I get home and hands are going to be full with bags so I use the app to disarm the system. Shows disarmed and I open the door and then I get the delay intruder notification, I enter in my pass code into keypad and it does not take. The alarm goes off and I enter in my code several more times before it finally stops and disarms.
I checked the log and it shows the system was disarmed before I entered, yet it still went off. It took 2 mins to get the system to disarm.
Here is the system events log:
|hsmAlert|hsmEvent|cancel||2019-04-24 11:48:59.243 AM PDT|
|hsmStatus|hsmEvent|disarmed||2019-04-24 11:48:52.728 AM PDT|
|hsmSetArm|hsmEvent|disarm||2019-04-24 11:48:52.711 AM PDT|
|hsmAlert|hsmEvent|cancel||2019-04-24 11:48:52.643 AM PDT|
|hsmStatus|hsmEvent|allDisarmed||2019-04-24 11:48:10.877 AM PDT|
|hsmSetArm|hsmEvent|disarmAll||2019-04-24 11:48:10.852 AM PDT|
|hsmAlert|hsmEvent|cancel||2019-04-24 11:48:10.644 AM PDT|
|hsmSetArm||disarmAll||2019-04-24 11:48:02.792 AM PDT|
|hsmAlert|hsmEvent|intrusion||2019-04-24 11:47:22.976 AM PDT|
|hsmAlert|hsmEvent|intrusion-delay||2019-04-24 11:47:06.311 AM PDT|
|hsmStatus|hsmEvent|disarmed||2019-04-24 11:46:57.539 AM PDT|
|hsmSetArm|hsmEvent|disarm||2019-04-24 11:46:57.527 AM PDT|
|hsmSetArm||disarm||2019-04-24 11:46:56.772 AM PDT|
|hsmStatus|hsmEvent|armedAway||2019-04-24 11:07:22.775 AM PDT|
|hsmSetArm|hsmEvent|armAway||2019-04-24 11:07:22.769 AM PDT|
|hsmStatus|hsmEvent|armingAway||2019-04-24 11:06:52.408 AM PDT|
|hsmSetArm||armAway||2019-04-24 11:06:26.601 AM PDT|
Here is my log for arming:
dev:32019-04-24 11:07:47.812 am infoKeypad was armed away [digital]
dev:1632019-04-24 11:07:30.259 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
app:1292019-04-24 11:07:24.059 am infoAlarm Arming Triggered
dev:1722019-04-24 11:07:23.971 am infoVRD-AlarmON was turned on
app:1302019-04-24 11:07:23.823 am infoAlarm Off: Home hsmStatus armedAway
app:1292019-04-24 11:07:23.727 am infoAlarm Arming: Home hsmStatus armedAway
dev:32019-04-24 11:07:23.161 am debugarmAway(30) called, already armAway
dev:32019-04-24 11:07:23.158 am debugarmAway(30, armMode:03, armingMode:0A)
dev:32019-04-24 11:07:22.988 am debugarmAway(30) called, already armAway
dev:32019-04-24 11:07:22.985 am debugarmAway(30, armMode:03, armingMode:0A)
app:92019-04-24 11:07:22.772 am infoArmed Away
dev:1662019-04-24 11:07:16.113 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1642019-04-24 11:07:03.361 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:06:54.689 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
app:1292019-04-24 11:06:53.025 am infoAlarm Arming: Home hsmStatus armingAway
app:1302019-04-24 11:06:52.993 am infoAlarm Off: Home hsmStatus armingAway
dev:512019-04-24 11:06:49.837 am infoGarage Outside Door temperature is 72.67°F
dev:1652019-04-24 11:06:49.320 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1632019-04-24 11:06:30.372 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:06:27.146 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:1, armMode:00 -> armRequest:03, exitDelay:30, isInitiator:false, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:false, code:0000, name:not required, codeNumber:-1]
dev:32019-04-24 11:06:27.142 am debugarmAway(30, armMode:00, armingMode:00)
Here is where I disarm it.
dev:32019-04-24 11:49:06.174 am infoKeypad was disarmed [physical]
dev:1642019-04-24 11:49:04.122 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
app:1332019-04-24 11:49:00.672 am infoAlarm Triggered - Water: Home hsmAlert cancel
app:762019-04-24 11:49:00.588 am infoAlarm Triggered - Intruder: Home hsmAlert cancel
app:1322019-04-24 11:49:00.484 am infoAlarm Triggered - S/CO: Home hsmAlert cancel
dev:722019-04-24 11:48:59.624 am infoFront Outside Light is off [digital]
app:92019-04-24 11:48:59.241 am warnAlert Intrusion canceled
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:58.114 am infoKeypad alarm was turned off
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:57.621 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:-1, armMode:00 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:true, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:true, code:0000, name:Albert, codeNumber:1]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:57.527 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 00 00 000439353332FF, profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[00, 04, 39, 35, 33, 32, FF]]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:57.320 am infoKeypad is active
app:1302019-04-24 11:48:57.086 am infoAlarm Off Triggered
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:56.930 am debuggetMotionResult: active
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:56.854 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:56.634 am infoKeypad was disarmed [physical]
dev:1722019-04-24 11:48:56.300 am infoVRD-AlarmON was turned off
dev:732019-04-24 11:48:56.098 am infoKitchen Light was turned off [digital]
dev:1932019-04-24 11:48:55.949 am infoVRD-AlarmStatus was set to 0%
dev:1122019-04-24 11:48:55.569 am infoLiving Room Light was turned off [digital]
app:1302019-04-24 11:48:55.219 am infoAlarm Off: Home hsmStatus disarmed
app:1292019-04-24 11:48:55.035 am infoAlarm Arming: Home hsmStatus disarmed
app:1322019-04-24 11:48:54.785 am infoAlarm Triggered - S/CO: Home hsmAlert cancel
app:1332019-04-24 11:48:54.782 am infoAlarm Triggered - Water: Home hsmAlert cancel
app:762019-04-24 11:48:54.713 am infoAlarm Triggered - Intruder: Home hsmAlert cancel
dev:722019-04-24 11:48:53.834 am infoFront Outside Light is off [digital]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:53.230 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:1, armMode:00 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:false, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:false, code:0000, name:not required, codeNumber:-1]
app:92019-04-24 11:48:52.725 am infoDisarmed
app:92019-04-24 11:48:52.641 am warnAlert Intrusion canceled
dev:1652019-04-24 11:48:49.971 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:49.740 am infoKeypad alarm was turned off
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:48.446 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:-1, armMode:00 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:true, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:true, code:0000, name:Albert, codeNumber:1]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:48.376 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 00 00 000439353332FF, profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[00, 04, 39, 35, 33, 32, FF]]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:48.198 am infoKeypad was disarmed [physical]
dev:1332019-04-24 11:48:38.947 am infoSet Fan operating State to: On
dev:1332019-04-24 11:48:38.946 am infoSet operating State to: Idle
dev:1332019-04-24 11:48:36.727 am infoExecuting 'login'
dev:1332019-04-24 11:48:36.504 am infoin poll: null
dev:1632019-04-24 11:48:30.646 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1662019-04-24 11:48:18.608 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:732019-04-24 11:48:15.605 am infoKitchen Light was set to 38% [digital]
dev:1122019-04-24 11:48:14.900 am infoLiving Room Light was set to 55% [digital]
app:762019-04-24 11:48:14.694 am infoAlarm Triggered - Intruder: Home hsmAlert cancel
app:1292019-04-24 11:48:14.516 am infoAlarm Arming: Home hsmStatus allDisarmed
app:1302019-04-24 11:48:14.356 am infoAlarm Off: Home hsmStatus allDisarmed
app:1322019-04-24 11:48:14.261 am infoAlarm Triggered - S/CO: Home hsmAlert cancel
app:1332019-04-24 11:48:13.926 am infoAlarm Triggered - Water: Home hsmAlert cancel
dev:1622019-04-24 11:48:13.849 am infoGarage Siren: alarm is off
dev:712019-04-24 11:48:13.826 am infoDining Table Light was set to 29% [digital]
dev:1612019-04-24 11:48:13.304 am infoHallway Siren: alarm is off
dev:722019-04-24 11:48:12.670 am infoFront Outside Light is off [digital]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:11.637 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:1, armMode:00 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:false, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:false, code:0000, name:not required, codeNumber:-1]
app:822019-04-24 11:48:11.172 am debugDevice Data Received and Updated for (4) Alexa Devices | Took: (3306ms) | Last Refreshed: (10.2 minutes)
app:92019-04-24 11:48:10.875 am infoAll Disarmed
app:92019-04-24 11:48:10.641 am warnAlert Intrusion canceled
dev:1662019-04-24 11:48:10.448 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:08.401 am infoKeypad alarm was turned off
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:08.178 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:1, armMode:00 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:false, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:false, code:0000, name:not required, codeNumber:-1]
dev:32019-04-24 11:48:07.383 am infoKeypad was disarmed [digital]
dev:1642019-04-24 11:48:05.866 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1652019-04-24 11:48:04.586 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1642019-04-24 11:48:00.230 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1632019-04-24 11:47:56.851 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1652019-04-24 11:47:49.693 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:36.905 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:-1, armMode:03 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:true, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:true, code:0000, name:Albert, codeNumber:1]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:36.801 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 00 00 000439353332FF, profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[00, 04, 39, 35, 33, 32, FF]]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:35.279 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:1632019-04-24 11:47:33.548 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:1612019-04-24 11:47:29.406 am infoHallway Siren: alarm is both
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:29.263 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:-1, armMode:03 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:true, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:true, code:0000, name:Albert, codeNumber:1]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:29.162 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 00 00 000439353332FF, profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[00, 04, 39, 35, 33, 32, FF]]
dev:502019-04-24 11:47:29.172 am infoGarage Overhead Door temperature is 73.08°F
dev:1622019-04-24 11:47:28.506 am infoGarage Siren: alarm is both
dev:732019-04-24 11:47:27.499 am infoKitchen Light was set to 31% [physical]
dev:1122019-04-24 11:47:25.808 am infoLiving Room Light was set to 99% [digital]
dev:1122019-04-24 11:47:25.753 am infoLiving Room Light was turned on [digital]
dev:712019-04-24 11:47:25.676 am infoDining Table Light was set to 99% [digital]
dev:732019-04-24 11:47:25.421 am infoKitchen Light was set to 17% [digital]
dev:732019-04-24 11:47:25.406 am infoKitchen Light was turned on [digital]
app:762019-04-24 11:47:24.885 am infoAlarm Triggered - Intruder Triggered
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:24.491 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:-1, armMode:03 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:true, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:true, code:0000, name:Albert, codeNumber:1]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:24.455 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 00 00 000439353332FF, profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[00, 04, 39, 35, 33, 32, FF]]
dev:1672019-04-24 11:47:23.876 am infoSending Message: [ Intruder Alert ] Priority: [0] to [All Devices]
app:1322019-04-24 11:47:23.580 am infoAlarm Triggered - S/CO: Home hsmAlert intrusion
app:762019-04-24 11:47:23.568 am infoAlarm Triggered - Intruder: Home hsmAlert intrusion
app:1332019-04-24 11:47:23.460 am infoAlarm Triggered - Water: Home hsmAlert intrusion
dev:722019-04-24 11:47:22.919 am infoFront Outside Light was set to flash with a rate of 750 milliseconds
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:21.750 am infoKeypad alarm set to siren
app:92019-04-24 11:47:21.615 am warnAlert Intrusion Front Door open
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:19.464 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:17.920 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:392019-04-24 11:47:17.824 am infoFront Door was closed
dev:1662019-04-24 11:47:16.882 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:16.425 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:14.795 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:13.242 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:11.710 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
dev:32019-04-24 11:47:10.240 am debugdescMap: [raw:catchall: 0104 0501 01 03 0040 00 14CF 01 00 0000 07 00 , profileId:0104, clusterId:0501, clusterInt:1281, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:03, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:14CF, isClusterSpecific:true, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:07, direction:00, data:]
app:762019-04-24 11:47:07.384 am infoAlarm Triggered - Intruder: Home hsmAlert intrusion-delay
app:1332019-04-24 11:47:07.273 am infoAlarm Triggered - Water: Home hsmAlert intrusion-delay
app:1322019-04-24 11:47:07.054 am infoAlarm Triggered - S/CO: Home hsmAlert intrusion-delay
app:92019-04-24 11:47:06.333 am warnAlert Intrusion pending Front Door open
app:882019-04-24 11:47:06.332 am infoKeypad Beep - When Something Opened Triggered
app:882019-04-24 11:47:05.916 am infoKeypad Beep - When Something Opened: Front Door contact open
dev:392019-04-24 11:47:05.323 am infoFront Door was opened
dev:1642019-04-24 11:47:03.154 am debugAlexa Playlists Changed to [:]
dev:362019-04-24 11:47:00.671 am infoShed Door temperature is 72.29°F
app:1302019-04-24 11:46:59.122 am infoAlarm Off Triggered
dev:1722019-04-24 11:46:58.905 am infoVRD-AlarmON was turned off
dev:1932019-04-24 11:46:58.779 am infoVRD-AlarmStatus was set to 0%
app:1292019-04-24 11:46:58.569 am infoAlarm Arming: Home hsmStatus disarmed
app:1302019-04-24 11:46:58.478 am infoAlarm Off: Home hsmStatus disarmed
dev:32019-04-24 11:46:57.932 am debugsendArmResponse- sucess, bin:1, armMode:03 -> armRequest:00, exitDelay:0, isInitiator:false, lcData:[isValid:true, isInitiator:false, code:0000, name:not required, codeNumber:-1]