HPM won't load

Hi all, my HPM stopped working and I was looking for some assistance please.

This is what I get when I try to load it:

I've uninstalled it fully and reinstalled it but it won't load, see logs:

Please can someone assist?

Given the problem here and in your other post, I wonder if your hub doesn't have an Internet connectivity problem. To investigate,

  1. Go to Settings > Network Setup
  2. Launch the Network Test tool (towards the top right)
  3. In the box next to Ping Host, type github.com or cloud.hubitat.com (or some other Internet hostname) and then click Ping.
  4. Watch the output in the box below for errors, or see if the output proceeds normally.

If there are errors, either try a network reset or make sure the settings on the Network Setup page are correct for you (DCHP is easiest, but if you're not using it, make sure you have valid DNS servers — a common cause of problems like this).


Thanks a lot for the prompt response.

I've switched it back to DHCP and it's all sorted now including HPM.



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