HPM 1.9.2 Update Hangs with Error

I tried to update to HPM 1.9.2 this morning and the update hung at "installing updates ... Please wait." My logs flag an error as shown below. Checking HPM after the update indicates theat HPM 1.9.2 installed.

Do I have a problem? Suggestions please?

app:922024-01-21 09:08:26.535 AMerrorjava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: user_app_dcm_hpm_Hubitat_Package_Manager_163$_copyInstalledItemsToNewManifest_closure97 on line 4030 (method performUpdates)

app:922024-01-21 09:07:53.054 AMinfoUpgrading Hubitat Package Manager

app:922024-01-21 09:07:52.657 AMinfoDownloading Hubitat Package Manager

app:922024-01-21 09:07:52.271 AMdebugPerforming update

app:922024-01-21 09:04:24.328 AMdebugprefPkgVerifyUpdates

app:922024-01-21 09:04:21.619 AMdebugUpdates available

app:922024-01-21 09:04:08.326 AMdebugUpdates available

app:922024-01-21 09:04:07.785 AMinfoChecking for updates for Hub Rebooter

app:922024-01-21 09:04:07.578 AMinfoChecking for updates for Nexia Thermostat Manager

app:922024-01-21 09:04:07.363 AMinfoChecking for updates for Ring Alarm Range Extender gen2

app:922024-01-21 09:04:07.165 AMinfoChecking for updates for Xiaomi Aqara and Mijia Drivers from BirdsLikeWires

app:922024-01-21 09:04:07.163 AMdebugUpdates found package for https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/hubitatpackagemanager/main/packageManifest.json -> null (force production: true)

app:922024-01-21 09:04:07.159 AMdebugUpdates found for package https://raw.githubusercontent.com/HubitatCommunity/hubitatpackagemanager/main/packageManifest.json

app:922024-01-21 09:04:06.924 AMinfoChecking for updates for Hubitat Package Manager

app:922024-01-21 09:04:06.702 AMinfoChecking for updates for Kasa Plugs, Switches and Bulbs

app:922024-01-21 09:04:06.564 AMinfoChecking for updates for Hubitat Z-Wave Mesh Details

app:922024-01-21 09:04:06.415 AMinfoChecking for updates for Hub Information Driver v3

app:922024-01-21 09:04:06.189 AMinfoChecking for updates for Virtual Keypad

app:922024-01-21 09:04:05.988 AMdebugUpdate chosen



Pro tip -- it's recommended to ask questions about a community-developed app/driver in the developer's original thread on the topic.

In some cases (like this one), you'll find someone else has already recently asked the question.

But just in general, doing that helps keep information about that app/driver in one central place for everyone's easier future reference. The Search tool within the community here also has an option to search just within the selected thread/topic, and that can be helpful.

I bookmark those respective threads for the various community apps/drivers I use.

hydro311 Great point ... I thought that I was there ... but I see now that I am not. I did do a search but unfortunately it did not come up with the other link. I'll try harder next time.

Here is the link to the ongoing discussion and potential resolutions (let's use it going forward): https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-hubitat-package-manager-hpm-hubitatcommunity/94471/582


@csteele I know you mentioned doing a child app to install HPM outside of itself, but another idea, I wonder if you could have it do some sort of delayed install, maybe using the bundle or something. Where it can finish the download then schedule the install out for like 10 seconds later. Then the app could finish its installing sequences and just go to a holding page saying to wait 30 seconds. Just an idea.

This is sort of how my router seems to handle firmware updates, since obviously the Web UI will be offline while it reboots it caches a waiting screen with a percentage countdown which is obviously just estimated. By the time the percent gets to 100 usually the router has rebooted so it looks like magic that the UI was there the whole time.


Right on - and I did not mean that as any sort of thinly-veiled criticism or "tut-tut" or anything like that. I've whiffed before trying to find an original thread, or wasn't sure which one in the results was the "right" one, so sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do to get an answer.

No problem ... I appreciate you getting me to the right place. :+1: