How to trigger Third Reality Vibration Sensor's Auditory Alarm?

Hi everyone,

I recently got the THIRDREALITY Zigbee Vibration Sensor with 110dB Alarm and I have successfully paried it with HE.

My goal is to use it as an alarm, but not just for vibration. For instance, I want to be able to trigger it's alarm if a temp sensor I have in my freezer goes above 0 F.

The problem is, in the Rule Machine, I do not see any options to trigger this alarm. Is it possible? Am I choosing the driver wrong?

Here is what I see:

If this sensor can't do it, what auditory alarm system can I use to warn me for urgent matters? I am already working on a blinking red light, but I need audio too.

I thought about Echo Speaks, but since the Heroku server becoming paid, I do not have the technical skills to install a server on my PC (and I do not want to deal with all that for now anyway).

Thank you for your help!

Did you look at the Run Custom Action option in RM?

I've got notifications going on the Pushover phone app; $5 lifetime fee, last time I checked.

I also use Ecolink Chime/Siren. It's Z-wave, has included battery backup, and has pre built siren sounds and also the ability to announce sounds base on recordings you make to an SD card. There's a nice thread on the forum on how to do that. I use the siren for the Z-wave smoke/co detector out in the garage, and voices for stuff like "a garage door has opened", "the gate has opened", "the hub has restarted" (lol), etc, etc.

On a side note, I'm not familiar with freezers, but my relatively new side-by-side periodically does its defrosting thing, so you have to take that into account. The way I did it, as I recall, was just raise the temp threshold, but, now that I type about it, the high freezer temp in the defrost cycle is transitory, so a rule taking time into account might be the ticket.

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The fact that the alarm and vibration-sensitivity settings are physically set via dip-switches for this device makes me wonder if it's even possible to otherwise "tap into" the alarm feature.

Curious to see if you can get this working -- it would be pretty neat!

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Hmm this is what I see under actions in RM:

Am I missing something?

Thanks for the response!

So how is Pushover app different than regular notifications? Because there are free notifications in HE for both Android and Apple. They are a bit wonky, I must say, but that might be how I set them up (possibly not perfect).

I will now look at Ecolink Chime/Siren, I guess I missed that one. That sounds really good and exactly what I need. Not sure how I did not see that? And I am understanding that you can trigger it like how I want to, right?

Oooh that defrosting is a nice point, I gotta think about that. Though first I need to have a siren to worry about that lol.

Thanks a lot!

I will keep trying it, since I really like ThirdReality products so far. But the fact that there is not a button under Commands in the Device details (on HE) to trigger the device and the fact that it does not have a status attribute for the chime is worrisome:

I will report back! :slight_smile:

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This thread helped me a lot.

This is what I have.

@rwclements228 was very helpful.

Once set up, I forget that it's there, until it talks to me, lol.
Not as flexible as other approaches, but I don't do the smart speaker thing.

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Set Variable, Mode or File, Run Custom Action

Although I doubt there is anything helpful there.

Awesome, I'll order one of these too and see how it goes lol.

Thanks a lot!

Yeah, I don't think it would work because of this:

Even if I set a variable, how would that trigger the alarm I wonder?