How To: Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick

Based upon reading upthread (@csteele remarks at How To: Remove Z-Wave Ghosts (including using a UZB Stick) - #113 by csteele), I'm going to leave them alone.

I don't know why I have 8 virtual nodes instead of just 4 (nodes 2-9), nor do I know why I have these additional 4.

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Yea, if it explicitly states "Virtual Node" -- I'd suggest believing it :smiley: and not deleting them.


Only delete 15 and 28. Then exclude the stick, reboot the hub and do a repair


I'm in the "Exclude the Stick" camp only if you intend to power it down. I just leave mine plugged into an always on USB hub. No reason to shut it off around here. :smiley: That way it's always ready and EASY to find. If I unplugged mine it would vanish under some pile in a week and I'd spend more time hunting for it than it takes to remove a ghost :slight_smile:


I think you meant that to be a reply to @sendbradjunk - those node IDs are from his picture.

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@danabw @erktrek

Just want to say Thanks for this thread. I've had a Zstick for quite awhile, first a Zooz 500 series one, and more recently the 700 series linked somewhere in this thread. BUT, until this last week when I decided to start migrating my Zwave devices more completely off my C4, I had never seen a single Ghost on my C7, but suddenly, I had a whole host of them, and my second C7 decided to spawn or two as well!

From none to a surfeit of ghosts in a few short hours. I spent a couple of days trying the refresh/remove function on the first C7, but for whatever reason that just didn't work. The second C7 disposed of its ghosts easily, but the first was truly haunted.

The instructions that you guys put together were the stuff of a legendary exorcism, and in short order I had sprinkled the virtual holy water throughout the house, and prevailed on the gods of Zwave to banish the ghosts to the nether regions where they belong!

Thank you! The WAF is rapidly restoring to it's pre-haunting levels, and I am very relieved.

Oh, and Happy New Year!



Thank you for the awesome how-to instructions.

I was able to pair my UZB-7, and remove a bunch of ghost nodes a few weeks back.

Now I've tried adding a few lights and again have a ghost node to deal with.

But I can no longer get the UZB-7 to pair with the Hubitat.

I go to PC Controller, and am able to load the UZB stick there, with version. But when I put my hub into inclusion mode, and hit either Classic Learn Mode, or +NWI, nothing happens.

I've tried this standing right next to the hub. I've tried excluding the stick first. Can't get it to pair with the hubitat.

Would love some ideas on how to get this to pair again so I can bust my ghost node.

Have you run an exclude on the stick?


A little difficult to set up in Windows with Zooz USB 700 stick. I downloaded Simplicity Studio from the Silicon Labs website, after registering for an account. I installed it, but I don't think that is necessary. Unless it has drivers for this process. Just download version 4 of the PC Controller app at the hint (link provided) or search and download it. Once I realized that the Zooz stick did not need a device name, as noted in a few of the posts above, and actually connected to the hub, all was well. Just follow @danabw 's instructions in the linked PDF.

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The first time I used the stick, I excluded it, but it left a ghost on my hub. I was able to remove that on the hub.

This time, I've tried excluding a bunch of times by putting the hub in z-wave exclusion mode, and selecting NWE, but nothing both the hub and the PC Controller app time out.

I was able to connect with version 5 the first time around, and was able to get through the setup ok, and use the stick in version 5 to remove ghost nodes. Not sure if switching to version 4 would now correct the problem?

Are you using NWE from the main button list or under "Select Learn Mode" with the PC Controller highlighted - I've always done it the latter way..


Just added your elegant graphic to the FAQ in the section about exluding the UZB stick. Crystal clear... :slight_smile: :+1:


Tried it with both of those unfortunately :frowning:

Just a note that I just fixed the download link from Dropbox, thanks to info from @672southmain that the link was downloading the wrong version of the document (from back in July 2019!!).

Apologies to anyone who got the old version...please re-download from the link in the first post to get the current version.


Life was so much simpler then! :rofl: no :mask:


I'm trying to re-add an Illumin bulb without S0.

I started the Z-wave PC Controller just fine and it sees my whole network just fine. I had left the Z-wave stick included in the network and had it plugged into a USB hub, so it's been powered/alive but unused for a month or two. I unplugged it from the hub and reconnected it to my laptop, and then start the software.

But when I select NWI, it starts throwing errors in the log - even before attempting to do anything with the bulb (it's still powered off):

Any ideas?


I previously successfully added this bulb and some Fibaro Flood sensors without S0, using this laptop, software and Zooz stick, using the included instructions for adding devices without security.

However, on Friday did a Hub Protect migrate from my original C-7 to another C-7 with the external Z-wave antenna mod. Every Z-wave device came back just fine - except the Illumin bulb. The hub claimed it could see the bulb (e.g., Z-wave repair thought the device just fine), but no commands seemed to work. E.g., I couldn't turn it off or on. I excluded the bulb and re-added it, which re-added it with S0. At that point, the bulb worked fine. So I left it that way for a few days while I rebuilt my Zigbee network (120 devices to reset after the migrate).

At this point I figured I'd take S0 off this bulb, so I just excluded it using a minimote so that the I can leave the old device in place in all the automations it's in. Then I reset the bulb just to be sure.

But the bulb is powered off and the Z-wave PC controller seems to be unhappy with something.

Which mesh is the USB stick paired to? The original C-7, or the Hub Protect migrated mesh of the upgraded C-7? Not clear to me from your post.

Remember, the USB stick is a secondary controller to some Hub on some mesh. Perhaps it’s not a secondary to the migrated hub on the migrated mesh.

I would do a general exclude of the USB controller, then include again through PC Controller on the migrated mesh of the upgraded C-7.

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Well, the Hub Protect migrate moves the Z-wave database to the new hub, so all the devices just end up talking to the new hub. So it's paired to the new hub only. But, since it's special (a secondary controller), perhaps this is not good enough. I'll exclude it and re-include it to see if that fixes things. Thanks for the suggestion!

UPDATE: excluding and re-including the stick fixed the NWI problem.

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