How To: Remove Ghosts using hub tools or a UZB Stick

LR == Long Range? Is that 800 series chips? I am on a C7 and have a C8 pro ready to migrate to (once I get this zwave mess figured out).

232 actual z-wave devices, right? Not virtual in hubitat I am assuming. Hmmm, I might need to count :-).

I did try to upgrade the firmware but when I got it to do anything it said 'not upgradable'. I may try again ... And installed the latest Simplicity Studio tools, including the PC controller.

Yup - LR=Long Range. LR support is expected to be available on the C8/C8-Pro "soon," but HE doesn't generally pre-announce their releases.

Not sure if we asked you - can you post a screen shot of your ghost from the Z-Wave Details page? There may be options to remove the ghost using the hub's built-in ghost removal tools.

Sure, here is the ghost -- it was a repeater that was never used and seemed not to want to be removed (so I forced a removal).

I have tried many times to 'remove' it via Hubitat's remove button. Hubitat simply runs for a bit and then comes back with the 'remove' there. If it try that a few times I end up having to reboot the HUbitat. I have done this numerous times. No go.

Given that it has a route, it does not appear to be a ghost. Did you try to put in in exclusion/pairing mode and then use hubitat to exclude it?

Multiple times. I'll plug it back in and retry then :-). Thanks for the info. Yeah, tried it several times, no go. I have two of these and the ne I suspect this represents is dead. The other one excludes fine (but is not this one).

So, honestly, I am not sure how to tell. In the PC Controller I see OTA but it does not allow me to select the 'GET' to get those kind of details. I tried trolling through the Silicon Lab pages but it's way too confusing to me. If anyone has a nice clean guide/pointer let me know.

There are instructions in the ghost removal PDF for updating the firmware on the UZB stick.

In the FAQ section.


Yep, that doc helped a lot with the upgrade -- thanks. Went from 7.11 to 7.99 it seems. However, same outcome :-(.

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In that case it's clear now - you are a bad person and are paying for your sins. :wink:

OK, back to your's got a crap-ton of neighbors (38!) listed, so that's probably why using the hub's Refresh/Remove options isn't working.

Can't remember if we've asked, but I assume using Repair fails to do anything as well.

I'm kinda stuck for idea why PC Controller won't allow you to see all of your devices.

The simple option - if none of your devices are trying to use it to get to your hub, and you aren't having issues w/Z-Wave devices being slow or not responding, you can ignore it. May drive you OCD mad, but... :wink:

One lame "you could try this" idea...figure out what the last device that PC Controller can see is, and exclude that from your hub. First use the "Setttings>Swap Apps Device" app to swap a virtual device into any app where the device you are going to remove is being used. Then exclude the device, and load up PC Controller again and see if that "unlocks" the weird limit you're running into.

FWIW, my suggestion is totally unsupported by any previous testing/user feedback. I would only mess w/this further if there is a functionaliy/reliability issue that appears to be related to the ghost and needs fixing.

Yeah, I may try that -- who knows right? I also may do the c7 to c8 pro migration to see if maybe the c8 can remove it? Not sure. The issue is that I AM having issues with zwave recently so Iam working on fixing them -- my 1st move was to remove the two repeaters which NOTHING was actually using! One seems to be dead (the one causing issues). Ah well.

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S I did actually try it -- it stopped ONE before the one I removed -- so maybe some odd issue with the NEXT one in line? I'll try that when I have a few mins :-). That does however tell me that the limit is probably not the signed byte as there SHOULD be a spare item to add which it did not.

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Very interesting...but I'm concerned the hub may be possessed and is playing w/you. You didn't ever walk by it and mutter something like "...that dumb hub..." within it's hearing, did you? :wink:

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Not to derail the thread, but does anyone know if itโ€™s possible to repair a bricked Aerotec Z-Stick Gen5?
Shows as unknown type USB device in device manager.

Any idea how it got bricked? Failed FW update, or ?

Yep, I hate PCโ€™s and they must know it.
Something crashes or I picked wrong driver.
Wife updated to W11 and couldnโ€™t find stick.

I have Zooz 800 stick, so not a serious issue.

I'm using Win 11 and do find my SilLabs stick...the drivers you already had should have persisted through the Win11 update - at least that's what I remember on my laptop.

Well, migrated to c8-pro. It allowed me to remove the ghost via the std Hubitat interface. Boom. This thing is rockin'


A happy ending is soooo good. Glad things worked out!

So I seem to be getting the ghost z-stick issue. It is really stubborn to remove. It got there through a failed add of the z-stick using the HomeSeer Z-Flash software. I didn't notice it until a day or so afterward. I tried shutting down HE, unplugging power, refresh/remove several times. I also tried using the Silicon Labs PC Controller software to mark as failed and removed failed but the mark as failed fails as well as the remove failed. I also tried using HomeSeer HS4 to remove all with no luck (Z-Flash only seems to be able to add/remove devices, not controllers).

Any way to make this go away? I don't see any solutions in the 350+ post thread but I may have missed something.


OK, I finally go this resolved. Not sure what exactly did it but I ended up with another ghost and setup the PC Controller / Z-stick again and this time it allowed me to mark the pc controller ghost as failed and then successfully removed it. I did reboot again along the way so not sure if it was that or if something else changed.

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