How to remove ghost devices?

Any suggestions for removing a ghost that is itself a secondary controller? I have a Aeotec Z-Stick that was associated as a secondary controller on my C-5 Hub. When I migrated to a C-7 Hub it shows up as a ghost and I was unable to refresh and replace it back. So I added it again as a new device thinking I'd remove the original ghost.

Marking the node as failed doesn't work, however. I get "Send NOP failed" and then "Is Failed Node Check failed"

Any suggestions? Thanks

Yep that is a major pain thanks to the battery... maybe reset the stick?

I'm not sure how that would work. Don't I need the Z-Stick active and associated as a secondary controller in order to remove the ghost?

Yeah unless you can get it to appear in the Z-Wave details. The other issue is you might have to put the stick in a metal box to block the signal or let it run down to get it to go away. The only alternative is grab another stick - maybe a non-battery powered one like the Zooz S2. The UZB-7 has had a bit of a price increase.

It does show up in Z-Wave details, but the remove button doesn't work.

Okay so you have to isolate the stick - cut off the signal so the remove from the Z-Wave table will work. The battery keeps it communicating with the hub regardless if it's connected to the Controller Software or not. You can try to wrap it completely in aluminum foil to form a Faraday cage maybe.

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@erktrek Thanks, the Faraday cage worked.

Do you happen to know if there is a way to z-wave exclude the z-stick itself when it’s a secondary controller? I can factory reset it, wrap it in foil again, and remove it that way I guess, but it seems like there should be a cleaner approach.

Thanks again.

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Great news!

Thinking about this a little more you might be able to use HE to go into general exclusion mode on the Discover Devices/Z-Wave page then in the PCS with the secondary controller selected do "Select Learn Mode/NWE"

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Also you should just be able to remove it from the device detail page per usual if it shows up there (usually named "device").. just hit remove and then in the PCS go to "Select Learn Mode/NWE"

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So, worked for me -- thanks.

Some observations that differ from the PDF:

  • I did not get the 'security paring options'. Didn't show up anywhere.
  • HE just showed 'initializing' -- looked like it did not pair. BUT it does. I got the devices listed in PC controller. The typical 'pairing name, etc' never happens on the HE. If you look in the z-wave details ib the HE its there but without a name.
  • BUT even with that, following the instructions it worked and my ghost device got removed. Even the exclude of the PC Controller worked fine. The HE indicated it excluded an 'unknown device'.

Thanks again!!!


Glad it went well for you. And thanks for taking the time to provide feedback, greatly appreciated.

Thanks very much for the reminders to update the PDF w/these "likely exceptions." :slight_smile:

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Its Jan 2022, this still does not appear to be an option

Does no one throw the BS flag that you need a $60 stick to maintain a $100 hub? WTH is there not a @#$@#$ Remove button? This is complete BS

The Remove button is there, and can remove ghosts, but it cannot always remove all ghosts, unfortunately. You will not successfully use the Remove button on the Z-Wave Details page unless you first remove power from the device that the ghost was created from, and then hit Refresh (may take more than a few times) and then the Remove button should appear and allow you to remove the ghost. But as as noted, some ghosts are "stubborn" and may require a uzb-stick to remove. The device the ghost was created from is frequently the very next device or so in the Z-Wave Details page, as the ghost is created when a Z-Wave pairing w/the hub doesn't fully complete. The usual result is you try to pair the device again and then it works. So you have the ghost, and then the second successful pairing, that are both tied to the same device.

You should be able to find a UZB stick for less than that, but I have to admit I haven't shopped for one recently. Mine was about $20 + shipping, but that was over a year ago.

It is annoying, but all the issues aren't Hubitat's fault as the issues w/Z-Wave include the 700-series Z-Wave devices HW/FW, and the Z-Wave 700 SDK, which is owned/managed by SilLabs.


3 hours later... I won, I killed the power to the two breakers that covered the switches in question, then hit refresh on all the ghosts, then about 15 minutes later they all showed pending stat and that is when I got a remove button. That still did not fix the initializing issue that created the ghosts. I still had to shutdown and restart the hub before adding them back. After that, the first two added fine, but the 3rd had to be done several times and on/off commands took 5-10 seconds. One more reboot and it is humming along, very fast, very smooth -- I am still small time (21 devices at this point). Door locks and the last 10 light switches are likely next followed by garage door openers.


You have passed the C-7 rite of initiation.


Excellent... Glad you're making good progress.

Please see @erktrek for instructions on where to get your UZB stick tattoo.



How do you get to the screenshot shown in Step 13 where you can remove the security and establish an unsecure connection? My hubitat just sticks at "initializing" and never pairs my Zooz Z-Stick. Seems like I need to disable this security feature but I can't locate this pairing option in the settings of PC Controller.

@austins - Do you see the list of HE hub devices in PC Controller sw? Sometimes it pairs without showing up in HE. You can test that it is working by turning something (Basic Set) on/off. What you have to do afterwards when you want to disconnect the usb stick is a general exclude in HE + go into "Select Learn Mode" / NWE in PCCS.

A business email account isn't required.. I registered with my personal email and N/A in the company name field.