Does anyone know how the Hubitat app is able to discover the Hub automatically (when on the same network)? Is it using SSDP/UPNP?
I found a UPNP app and looked to see my Hub could be seen.. but, nothing.
Does anyone know how the Hubitat app is able to discover the Hub automatically (when on the same network)? Is it using SSDP/UPNP?
I found a UPNP app and looked to see my Hub could be seen.. but, nothing.
upnp isn't turned on in HE. Your better bet is to simply use DHCP to assign a reserved IP address (recommended anyway).
Awesome! thanks.. I installed UPnP Browser on my phone and it found my hub right away.
The Mac UPNP app I was using must not have been looking for everything since it never found the hub.
@mike.maxwell - by any chance did something change in regards to UPnP support?
I noticed that I'm detecting the Hubitat Hub but the IP address isn't accurate.. I'm on a 192.168.0.X network.. I'm not even sure what that 169.254.10.X
network is but it's definitely not the correct IP address.
discoverHub: found:, UPnPDevice(rawString=HTTP/1.1 200 OK CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=1800 LOCATION: ST: urn:Hubitat:device:hub:1 NTS: Home USN: uuid:e81a7f36-9fac-4716-adc5-132fc9092e8a , url=, server=null, mProperties=
Well this might explain it.. but not sure where this IP is coming from. I access my hub using and it gets this via DHCP
last note -- looks like I should have searched for this issue first since it's here: Hubitat IP address getting replaced - #9 by fdelima
I thought it was a UPnP issue but really unrelated to that
169.x is a default ip when the hub (or other devices) don't get an address from DHCP... Shut down the hub, unplug it at the wall for 5 mins and power back up and see if it corrects itself.
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