How to apply firmware update to Ikea FYRTUR blinds?

Continuing the discussion from Ikea Blinds:

Is there a means via Hubitat or perhaps outside of Hubitat to perform an over the air (OTA) update to the firmware in the Ikea FYRTUR blinds?

I see firmware updates noted on the Ikea site.

I'm using this driver:

Hubitat would have to have the actual files to provide that and Ikea is unlikely to give those out. So you will need an ikea hub to update your ikea products

You'll need an Ikea hub or use something like Home Assistant with zigbee2mqtt (and an appropriate coordinator). Not sure if zigbee2mqtt can run on its own (with a coordinator).

Between the two options, using the ikea Dirigera hub will be faster.

I researched this several years ago and read to flash the blinds they needed to be paired with the IKEA hub. This means they will need to be unpaired from HE then paired to HE again once the flash has completed.

The current firmware is 2.3.088

The change log states

◉ FYRTUR and KADRILJ roller blinds (V-2.3.088)
◆ Solves an issue where some blinds report inconsistent battery level.
◆ Solves an issue where some blinds would not confirm a reset by movement.

My 12 blinds work fine except for 2 or 3 that insist on losing their limits when the battery is replaced. They go full open once the battery is installed as designed , but when commanded to close, these rogue blinds go full close and keep going until they roll up backward.

Just in case anyone comes searching and finds this thread, you can now update the Fyrtur (and pretty much any other Ikea zigbee device) directly in HE:


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