How do we "know" HE won't go the way of the Wink?

Doesn't it need to be registered to get the update? That's what I was getting at.

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The only part of their business plan that has been mentioned (I think by @bravenel) was that they're not shopping themselves around to be acquired.


Nope! It really dose not need to be registered. It can work completely isolated from the internet, which I will do, eventually. It gets NTP from my LAN, just like my IP camera system. I've already isolated those things. They are really untrustworthy.

@mitchswpt: This is one of those "have you stopped beating your wife?" questions. There is no answer. On the one hand @homeauto2112 is correct that no one can foretell what the future will bring. On the other hand, we can give assurances about a few things:

  • It would not be a practical thing for us to even contemplate following Wink by imposing a subscription fee for you to continue to use your hub, since it doesn't even need to be connected to the internet to continue to function. So that's just not in the cards, nor is it something we would do. We may very well offer value-added services that entail subscription fees, but those would be optional and have a clear value to users.
  • Our cloud costs are pretty low, so keeping those aspects of the Hubitat Elevation functionality running is not a burden, unlike the cloud costs for a cloud based HA system.
  • Our overall cost structure is very low as compared to Wink's or ST's.

Our business, like many, is having to roll with the punches dished out by coronavirus, the economy, disruptions to supply chains, etc. In many ways every start up company has to roll with the punches imposed by the real world of being in business. We are not going away in the foreseeable future.

@BrianP The reason to register is to be able to use our mobile app, and/or cloud endpoints in Maker API or other apps, including your own. As a business matter, we don't really care if you register or not, that's entirely up to you.

No. But it does need to connect to the internet.


Yep, and I specifically came to Hubitat so that I would have zero cloud dependence, and I don't use the app, only local dashboards via VPN. It would be fine for me to register, but I'm not doing it out of pride. I'm really happy that I got this fully local solution. Told my father about it--he would like Hubitat's local processing too.

I kinda wish I could connect to the command line, but I know that's a support nightmare for Hubitat, and I wanted a real product like this instead of building something on a RPi.


Ha! There is no command line to connect to, at least not one that has anything to do with the hub platform.


Oh I know there's a Linux system under there somewhere, that can probably run curl or wget.

I just don't know the Groovy interface well enough to do everything I want, yet, but I could do lots from Linux commands.

Does life 360 use HE servers?

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Curl just calls URLs... what would that serve to accomplish? Whatever URLs HE does have (like MakerAPI endpoints) you can certainly call via curl running on any PC

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There isn't really anything you could do from Linux. Hmm, stop the platform, reboot...

Everything doable can be done through the web ui.

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I use curl to send email through my SMTP server over SSL. Right now it goes through a telnet connection to my NAS, and my NAS performs the curl command.

So you're saying you want HE to execute a curl command to something on the outside? I know you said you haven't played with groovy yet, but that'll be like 4 lines of code. Setup a schedule() - basically a cron, and call httpGet or httpPost or whatever method you need. And if you don't want to do code, RM can be used to create a rule to call an http endpoint.

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In addition what @dman2306 has suggested, there is already an app for that, written by @erktrek


Email? Yuck. It isn't 1995. :wink:


Yeah I saw that, but don't have sendmail running, and I can use curl. I planned to look through that code and get it to connect to my SMTP server (not local) over SSL, but haven't had the energy ever since my telnet hack worked.

I like getting my notifications by SMS (okay, so I'm old!). And there's still email2sms gateways running .....


Emails could be treated as weekly reports.

I know, I was being a bit of a smart arse.

I will say, though, FOR ME if it doesn't come as an SMS or pushed notification then I'm never going to look at it.


Can you give me an example (like paste the curl) of what you're doing? I feel like RM can do exactly what you want all through a UI, no coding.


Yup. Same here.