How do we "know" HE won't go the way of the Wink?

Yes--I'll put it right here in a sec.

Here's the section that sends the curl command via telnet:

def emlRcpts = emlTo.split(', *') //support multiple comma-delimited recipients
String mailRcpts = ''
emlRcpts.each {
	mailRcpts = mailRcpts + "--mail-rcpt '${it}' "
def sndCommand = "echo 'To: ${emlTo}\nSubject: ${emlSubject}\nFrom: ${emlFrom}\nContent-Type: text/plain;\n${state.EmailBody}' | curl --url 'smtps://${emlServer}:${emlPort}' --ssl-reqd --mail-from '${emlFrom}' ${mailRcpts}--upload-file '-' --user '${emlUsername}:${emlPassword}'"//WARNING: username and password on command line! >:(

hubCmd = sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(sndCommand, hubitat.device.Protocol.TELNET))"Notification sent to ${emlTo}: ${state.EmailBody}")

The actual curl command is like:

echo 'To:,
Subject: Subject
Content-Type: text/plain;
This is the email body' | curl --url 'smtps://' --ssl-reqd --mail-from '' --mail-rcpt '' --mail-rcpt '' --upload-file '-' --user 'username:password'

Life360 the platform does not. But the integration with HE presumably goes through the hubitat cloud as @ogiewon explained above:

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Off topic, but I wonder how Home Assistant does it... It has Life360 integration, too, and I don't think it has cloud endpoints (?). Or maybe it does, I've never really thought about it, I just know it works (Life360 integration in HA - not HA in general :laughing:) .

If there were a way to get cloud integrations that could (securely) communicate directly with the hub that'd be pretty cool. Then we really wouldn't have to care if Hubitat went belly up :speak_no_evil:.

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Thank you Bruce. Well said.

So does Node-RED. I'm guessing its through some kind of polling ......

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HA polls the Life360 server. Many HA plugins are really just polling under the covers:


I'm sure Life360 loves that... lol

I will say that I had HA's Life360 running side by side with Hubitat's Life360 integration, and the HA way works quite well in the end - even if it is polling, which is yuck.

I have a few HE integrations doing the same thing. My gut says, we're the "fly on the elephant's back"... there aren't enough HA users in the world for them to even notice.

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Ah sorry, now I get it. I didn't realize you were using Curl to do the heavy lifting of the SMTPS. Whenever I think Curl I first jump to assuming you're calling HTTP. Then no, HE can't do that natively. I'm sure it's low on their list, but I agree, SMTP, SMTPS, and various other protocols would be great to expose in HE. Unfortunately cur is written in C and so it doesn't integrate nicely into a Java app like HE so they'd probably have to cobble together various other libraries :frowning:

We don't live in a risk free world. Never has existed, and never will. I want to personally thank Bruce for his very candid and respectful response. No one knows what the future holds. Tomorrow is not promised. Things are changing day by day in the world economy and the future isn't ever going to look like our past, or at least in our generations you can pretty well expect it not to look the same.

Local is definitely the way to go right now as we watch cloud platforms that weren't already subscription based, beginning to panic and roll out subscriptions with very short notice.

There's no need for me to go into detail of how the Hubitat cloud differs from the others in terms of overall functionality. That's been covered here quite extensively. The only thing that's sure is that the Hubitat team are honest and respectful people. I know they won't do things exactly the way Wink did because Will-I-Am is a tool. He bought an already failing and mismanaged company, and then mismanaged it some more like everything else he's touched. The guy literally has a success rate of ZERO outside of his music. Now he's trying to recover from his poor management style, made worse by an unprecedented global pandemic by forcing a subscription on every single Wink owner at a completely disrespectful time scale.

The guy is living in this odd wealthy person's reality, where he for some reason thinks that families out of work can just pull an addition monthly fee out of their back sides. No problem right? :roll_eyes:

I called this almost 3 years ago now.


Yeah I'd love for the HE to be able to send via SMTP(S) directly in the web interface, the way my NAS can. But the fact that I can even hack together a telnet command (it's a really ugly hack of some things I found here--I had zero experience with Groovy and almost zero with Java) and get it to work? That's awesome. And that makes me sure that this was the right place to put my Benjamin.


@BrianP @dman2306 I know it is not exactly what your looking for but @Cobra has a great email notifier app I use to send email/SMS (wife just got a couple laundry notifications today using it, Thanks Andy!) Might be worth checking out.

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If that's the one that doesn't use an rpi, it only supports SMTP, not SMTPS unfortunately so things like gmail's server are no go :frowning:

Yep I looked at that one, too. I wanted to use SMTPS to my provider's server (I have a premium mail service for my personal and my wife's business email). I trust them, and I like the service. I don't want to go through other servers, including even my ISP's. Since the email goes to my provider's SMTP server, then on to my provider's IMAP server, I'm not even worried about hops in between. Everything between me and them is encrypted.

Gotcha. I guess I don't care who else sees my wife's drier notifications. Heck maybe they come put it away! :rofl:


neither do I, which is why I created it that way.
I have always stipulated that the email notifier device is not secure, but I really don’t feel it’s an issue when one of my hubs tells me it has rebooted or that the laundry has finished.



I agree, I don't care about the text, but that's not what bothers me. The part that bothers me is I'm transmitting my SMTP username and password in plaintext. That's the part that is insecure.

Not with my system!
I use an authorisation code.
I don’t use anyone’s credentials


beat me to it. :wink: