Now that Smartthings has updated to the new "Edge" drivers, how can I migrate the devices to my new Hubitat Elevation hub so that I can discontinue using Smartthings? It appears all the information I can find ends with not being supported anymore. I have installed Mira on my ST hub and successfully connected to my HE, but this is not the direction I wanted (HE to ST). I want to go in the opposite direction (ST to HE).
Unless I'm missing something obvious, you'd disconnect the devices one by one from SmartThings, do a factory reset, and then add the device to Habitat. There's a list of compatible devices here. List of Compatible Devices | Hubitat Documentation
And of course there may also be community drivers for other devices. You would search here in the Community site for those.
HubiThings Replica
I think though he wants to migrate not mesh though.... In that he would have to re pair everything to Hubitat...
Thank you, All. I ended up removing the devices from ST one by one as I factory reset each device. Then added them as new devices in HE. I’m also allowing them to Mira back to Smartthings until I am completely done with setting up automations and such. As you know HE automations are little more involved with setting up then the new ST way.
I’m also noticing a significant improvement in response times using HE. Which was my hope.
Good to hear. One thing you need to watch out for is ghosts. If you have a failed pairing STOP. Reset the device, then go to yourhubip>>z-wave details and look for an entry with noting in the routing column and nothing in the device column. That needs to be removed before continuing.
Also take a look at this post. It will help you avoid some gotchas that may cause some temporary frustrations...
Awesome. Thanks again! This actually happened with one of my GE/Jasco Smart Switches. It was one of the original ones that couldn't be factory reset. Once I did the exclusion from HE instead of ST, it paired.
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