HousePanel Dashboard App for Hubitat

Well... I don't know why it isn't working for you. As a last resort, let me give you a terrible hack that I sure hope nobody else uses, but I am pretty sure it will get you logged in.

First... log into your pi and go to your main housepanel directory where you edited the hmoptions.cfg file. Save a backup copy of the housepanel.php file. Edit the housepanel.php file and search for "function pw_verify". This should be at line 4226. There you will find a function that looks as follows:


function pw_verify($pword, $hash) {
if ( ! $pword  || !is_string($pword) ) {
    $ver = ($hash === "");
} else if ( function_exists("password_hash") && function_exists("password_verify") ) {
    $ver = password_verify($pword, $hash);
} else if ( function_exists("crypt") ) {
    $test = crypt($pword, CRYPTSALT);
    $ver = ($test === $hash);
} else {
    $test = md5($pword);
    $ver = ($test === $hash);
return $ver;


This is the function that does the password checking. For whatever reason it is not working for you. Modify this code to always return true by inserting:

$ver = true;

just before the last statement. Of if you prefer you can just replace the whole thing with this:

function pw_verify($pword, $hash) {
return true;

This will effectively neuter all the security and login functions of HousePanel. All other functionality should remain.

I should add that I would like to know if this works, which will tell me how to work on a real fix for you and possibly others.

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Didn't work. Login screen still appears.....

Edit: maybe I should send you my housepanel.php for you to edit in case I did something wrong?

It will still appear but any username and password longer than 8 characters will work

[RELEASE] HousePanel 2.109

Minor upgrade to add a new option to disable Rules. This is found on the options page as a new Checkbox. Notice in the graphic below just next to Kiosk Mode.


I added this because it slows down the operation of HP when on and most people won't use it. So the default is off. To use Rules you must set the Enable Rules checkbox. I find that Rules work fine if you don't have too many devices. But if you have over 200 like me it is a noticeable slow down for little benefit.

No matter what password or nickname I use. It just won't login anymore.

I reinstalled rasbian and even formatted the sd card for the 10000000th by now.

The weird thing is that it used to work for a short time. Now it's not working at all anymore. No matter what I do.

Sorry dude - I'm out of ideas. The most common cause of problems is authorization to create files in the folder where your html files are located. So all I can say is make sure you can write to the folder where your housepanel is installed by setting the entire folder to chmod 777

If that doesn't work then something else is going on that I can't troubleshoot from a distance.

Ok...thanks anyways for trying to help me!

I'll leave this for now. Maybe one day I will be able to use it :slight_smile:

I have a new installation of Hubitat and HousePanel also.
During the first launch of HousePanel - after the initial Authentication panel i might made some mistake and HP asks Username and passwords since then and don't accept any.
Can i go back to the first launch panel or reset all config of HP anyhow?
Thanks for advising.

Use this url: http://yourip/housepanel.php?code=reset (fill in your ip).

Tell me if it works for you. I can't get any further then the login page....(see posts above).

Thanks for the tip.
Unfortunatelly it doesn't work for me.

What doesn't work exactly?

"The requested URL was not found on this server."

I saw your discussion and also switched psw verify off.
Something looks wrong with my hmoptions.cfg file, as it is only 20 lines

Once you have HousePanel properly installed, you should be able to launch it by going to the IP address of your rPI with housepanel.php as the file. So if your rPI is at say and you installed it into folder housepanel, you would enter:

If you need to reset things and start setting passwords all over again use:

Then on the page that opens enter the login info you want to use and select Done Configuring. Do not try to log into a hub at the same time. Do the Done Configuring first which will take you back to a screen with no devices. Then enter re-auth and only then should you add a hub on the bottom part of the screen.

I know it sounds like a lot but I couldn’t figure out how to make it any simpler. I think I will separate the HP auth from the Hub auth in a future release. That will clean up a lot of confusion.

Thank you, it works now :slight_smile:

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So glad to hear you got it to work. Hope @schlagzeug-jan can try again given this evidence that it does indeed work. I still think it is a folder permissions problem.

I installed it on QNAP and worked perfectly. Create a virtual host and copy the content from GitHub to the folder. You are all set to go.

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So I had the problem of after install and setup I could not log in. I followed all the instructions, but I couldn't find the hmoptions.cfg file to do the permissions and remove the password. My housepanel was in the /var/www/html/housepanel once I figured that out I was able to change the permissions with the sudo chmod -R 777 command, and then accessed the file with the nano hmoptions.cfg command. I then removed the password and had to quit the browser and reload the page. I used the reset option and re-set up the hub, and didn't put anything in the password field. After that, I could log in just fine. I was banging my head, but I took a day off and revisited it and finally got it all working. Thanks to all for the information!


Glad you got it working. I am rewriting the login logic to help avoid these headaches for future new users. Will post update when done and fully tested. In the new logic the hub setup is done separate from the user options and password setup. This cleans things up a lot. Also changing the default to always let people in upon first install. Thanks for all the feedback.

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Ive just installed on a Raspberry pi4, as far as I can tell things are not working.
I have this warning...

**Installing housepanel-push package **
npm WARN npm npm does not support Node.js v10.15.2
npm WARN npm You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we
npm WARN npm can't make any promises that npm will work with this version.
npm WARN npm Supported releases of Node.js are the latest release of 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.
npm WARN npm You can find the latest version at
up to date in 2.236s

Have you any plans to support this node.js version, is there a work around or is this not my problem at all?

Many thanks