HousePanel Dashboard App for Hubitat


Cannot get any konnected motion sensors to appear in Housepanel.
Any ideas?

Are you seeing other things show up?

If so, there may be an issue with loading them. Open a log window and keep it open while you do a reauth. Then you should see an error message. Let me know what that is.

I am not seeing anything in the logs that seem related when doing a reauth.

The motion sensors are coming in from Smartthings but not from habitat.

I am thinking that devices with the capabilities of "MotionSensor, Sensor" are not being populated. If I add "ContactSensor" as a capabilitly to the Konnected Motion sensor code, it does appear.
The motion sensors also do not appear in Hubitat, Apps, Houspanel.groovy in the section under "Motion and Presence"

Okay let me take a look. I have a motion sensor in my Hubitat side so it worked once upon a time. I might have broken something.

Okay - I checked and here is what I think is going on. The code supports and reads motion sensors with capability.motionSensor but not capability.motionSensor.Sensor

With the former here is what my log gives me:

notice the motion sensor at the end. It works like a motion sensor. I checked the capabilities reference and the official name of the motion capability is just capability.motionSensor so that should work.

Motion sensors are also retrieved using the generic getThing call which returns all capabilities of any thing. I disabled the log which is why you aren't seeing anything. I can re-enable it and post an update for you to try. It will have a few other minor bug fixes too.

What kind of motion sensor are you using?

[EDIT] Update posted to usual spot. Should help with debugging.

Working on a hunch, I looked at the DTH code for the konnected motion sensors. You can ignore my prior question about what type of sensors... I get it now.

Anyway, the motion DTH is an unusual sensor that HP may be struggling to identify. I enabled the code to allow generic other things to be selected. Grab the latest version and you can add the motion sensor as an "other" device. It will look and operate just like a motion sensor.

I’ve downloaded the updated code, reauthed etc, but the motion devices are still not appearing. Maybe I’m doing something wrong. No errors in the logs (Hubitat logs).
Appreciate your help... not urgent or anything.. have many other devices to move over from smartthings in the meantime. Cheers

Hi Folks - I submitted a major overhaul of the HousePanel documentation. You can find the updated doc at the official location here:

Note this supercedes the old Wiki doc file.

Hope this is helpful.

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Did you try to look for them in the Options page? Are they being loaded at all? The default logic might be skipping them yet they might still be there.

Another thing to try is to add them as an Other device. Did you try that?

For what it is worth, motion detectors on a panel have fairly limited use so this thankfully isn't a show stopper, but I still want to know what is going on.


I have been noticing a visual glitch for quite some time now with my door lock.

If I push the tile to lock. The tile icon changes to the locked. Then changes back to unlocked. Then once more to lock and stays.

I am thinking this may have to do with a refresh being called too soon, as the lock actually takes a few seconds to perform the lock action and does not update state until it is complete.

Then again I could be completely wrong. The observation remains the same though :slight_smile:

edit: same thing if going in the other direction from locked to unlock.

Hmmm well, some things do need a delay because they report interim status or incorrect states immediately, but locks shouldn't because the logic is a simple toggle. If locked, it returns unlocked and vice versa. I don't even bother reading the lock status - I just set "newsw" to the value it should be, so a delay shouldn't matter. Anyway something odd must be going on. I updated housepanel.js to introduce a delay for locks like I do for doors and music tiles in a branch called 'lockdelay". Can you give this a try and let me know if it helps? It works for me but so does the original. The delay just shows the new state 3 seconds slower. You'll just need to update the .js file.

[EDIT] I realized Hubitat updates all tiles every 5 seconds so that is probably what is happening. You are getting a 5 second update in the middle of a refresh based on an old state. So I'm thinking the delay I implemented might work. Let me know.


This seems to have resolved it. thank you.

I managed to completely screw my dashboard in the process, but hey if it is worth doing, it is worth breaking and then fixing right????

I have toasted my dashboard more times than I can count... it always comes back better than ever.

One thing you should know is that I no longer prefix Hubitat things with "h_" for the id. This is because I now store the hub number and type in each thing's record so that isn't needed. It only matters for how you might process an API call.

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Posted version 1.801 with an API update that fixes a bug that caused use of tiles in the calling arguments to be ignored. Also included a fix to the lock display problem that Chris noticed by adding a one second delay to visual updates. Finally, I'm including a simple demo Python script in this update called that shows you how to use the HP API from a 3rd party application. Note that with this version the access token is always in the cfg file so no need to provide it on the command line. Hub numbers need to be provided to use any hub other than the first one found.

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Does HP support RingDoor bell video feed?

What options does ring provide for viewing feeds outside their app?


Has to be something. In ST I can see the video feed without the Ring app.

Unless things have changed recently, Ring had a closed api and the ST integration is an official one i.e. Ring allowed ST access to their video stream. I don't believe there is any unofficial way to access that stream...yet.

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[EDIT - sorry, didn't see the prior same answer...]Samsung collaborated with Ring to build this feature but there is no publicly available API as far as I know.

HousePanel can display any mpg feed as either a file that is refreshed externally or via a web frame html page. Chris @cwwilson08 figured out a solution that works with vlc. I personally use a python script that scrapes a video mpg from my Arlo cameras that I point HP to. Both work well. The sample python script is included with the HP distribution.

@cwwilson08 can you share the most recent version of your solution?


Yeah I was going to try and help him figure it out. A little google told me there is not an easy way to access the stream that anyone has found.