Honeywell Wifi Thermostat Driver

I’m using this device handler and I can see what the settings are on the thermostat by if I try to make changes I get the following errors, any ideas?

@aaiyar How would I do this. I have my Honeywell thermostat and Nexx wifi garage door opener running on the Smartthings app. I installed Hubconnect on the hub and in the Smartthings app.

Are you using HubConnect version 1.6.4? Or 2.0? 1.6.4 requires that you have physical ST hub connected to your network during setup. 2.0 doesn't need that. For 1.6.4 follow the installation instructions here:

For 2.0 (which I haven't used), you'll have to go here:


Here are some screenshots from the ST Classic app. At the Hubitat end, I have a custom driver for the SmartDry sensor and regular HubConnect drivers for the Bed sensors and Garage Door.

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I had installed the 1.6.4 version. I had to do the connection in the Smartthings classic app. I have the thermostat and garage door selected. Down the bottom it says "make sure the following native drivers are installed on the master hub before clicking done"

Yes. Do you have the HubConnect drivers installed on the master hub?

Here's the thermostat driver link:

Here's the garage door driver link:

Remember - your master hub is Hubitat. So these have to be installed as drivers on the Hubitat hub.

No I haven't installed them yet. I wasn't sure if I had to install a group from the link in the installation instructions or was able to find individual drivers

The universal drivers are here:

Here's the basic rule:

If you are exporting a Hubitat-connected device to ST, then the appropriate universal driver will have to be installed as a ST DTH.

If you are exporting a ST-connected device to Hubiat, then the appropriate universal driver will have to installed at the Hubitat end.


OK. Installed both drivers

Now go back and complete the setup on the ST Classic app. If you've done everything else correctly, the ST-connected devices will show up as Hubitat devices. Something like this:

Should I adjust any of these settings

Only if you're using them (SHM/HSM).

OK they're showing in my device lists

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So to remove the Smartthings hub just remove it from my devices and then I don't need it connected to Smartthings anymore?

You need the SmartThings Hub for ZWave or Zigbee devices connected to the SmartThings Hub. If all you're using SmartThings for is Cloud integrations, such as Honeywell, then everything is cloud to cloud and the ST hub can be powered down.

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No don't remove the HubConnect Smartthings device on your Hubitat.

You should simply physically disconnect and unpower your ST hub.

Edit - assuming you have no physical devices paired to it (as indicated by @csteele).

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Thank you, just 2 cloud devices. Thermostat & garage door opener

Thank you so much for all your help. OK so leave the Smartthings hub in my device list

@csteele @aaiyar

What does this driver error mean

@csteele I made the dumb mistake of using the 7 digit number displayed in the first image to the right as my device ID.

When I drill down into the thermostat then I get a different 7 digit number as shown in the second image. That is the one you need.

Dumb mistake on my part but perhaps this will save someone else from doing the same thing.

It now works on both thermostats. I have initially set the polling interval to 30 mins. I assume that the polling event synchronizes HE to the values on the thermostat?

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After using his driver for a day I found the uncertainty around getting locked out by Honeywell just too big of a downside. I have two thermostats which doubles my traffic.

Today I bought a used SmartThings hub, installed HubConnect and now my two Honeywell thermostats are published to Hubitat and I don’t have any connection issues no matter how many requests I send. So it works rather well.

Nothing wrong with @csteele code, just Honeywell’s deliberate efforts to prevent people from doing exactly this. I’d rather have your single driver model than the extra overhead of HubConnect, all other things being equal.