With illuminance = 900, if I have the LUX dial set towards the * mark, and Time dial set to T, any time motion is detected, the light only turns on for a moment and the motion goes inactive.
If I change the LUX dial setting more towards the moon symbol, the light will not come on as expected with illuminance = 900 but that affects the motion. Now the motion goes inactive after 3-4 minutes. I have not changed the Time dial setting.
I tried using Z-Wave to adjust the PIR Trigger Off Time. I cannot override via Z-Wave the PIR Trigger Off Time unless I am totally confused about how this device is supposed to work.
I triggered motion active when I rotated the Floodlight Sensor so I could take a picture of the settings. As you can see, the Time is at the minimum position or 8 seconds.
Next, I changed just the LUX manual setting to below the * mark (always trigger regardless of light level). I made no change to TIME either manually or by Z-Wave. Notice the time from active to non-active was about 12 seconds.
Next, I changed the PIR Trigger Off Time from 15 seconds to 1 minute on the Device Settings.
I went out and triggered motion. The light came on momentarily and the motion active -> inactive was about 5 seconds and not 1-minute as per the hub preference setting change.
I went back out and changed the LUX settings as shown next.
Changed PIR Trigger Off Time from 1 minute to 15 seconds and went out and triggered motion.
What am I overlooking on adjusting this device’s preferences via the hub?