Homekit integration: thermostat can’t be set to less than 10C

I recently added my garage thermostat to HomeKit integration, just to discover that it can’t be set to a temperature lower than 10C through HomeKit (despite being able to through Hubitat). Is that a HomeKit limitation, or a limitation of Hubitat ? Can it be changed somehow ?

Or maybe the thermostat? What is the model? Is this for heat or cooling?

I can set the temperature to 5C just fine with Hubitat directly. This is an Advanced Virtual Thermostat, but I see the same thing with my other thermostats (custom drivers, for Stelpro Allia)

These are for heating. Sorry, Canada here, sometimes I forget there are thermostats that do anything else than heating. :crazy_face:

I am not sure why this post was listed under mobile app, but I changed its category to get help

I wonder if this is a limitation of the HomeKit integration ?

Apparently, homekit reads minimum and maximum temperatures from their source (I.e. Hubitat): Homekit temperature sensor won't go below 10°C - Items & Sitemaps - openHAB Community

I wonder if @bobbyD has an idea ?

@gopher.ny, any idea about this one ? This seems to be a limitation in how the HomeKit integration exposes thermostats to HomeKit.