Hello! My Hubitat arrived earlier this week so I am a novice. Basically I bought the Hubitat so I could control my bond controlled Monte Carlo fan. I have the Hubitat on the network and connected to the Bond and can control the fan and light through Hubitat. I have set up the integration to HomeKit and it will allow me to add the fan’s dimmable light to HomeKit. It works fine. However I cant get the fan integrated. In the Hubitat HOMEKit integration tab it show that both the Bond Device and Fan are incompatible devices. Has anyone seen or know of a fix for this?
An option would be to create a virtual fan mirror its states with the Bond fan. Not sure if the Mirror app would work for that, but might be worth a try. Otherwise, Rules could be created in Rule Machine to do this.
Thank you Sebastien. I could go down that path but I am new to Hubitat and it would take time I don’t really have. Shouldn’t there be compatibility for this out of the box or soon to be released? Especially given that the bond controlled fan light is compatible - doesn’t it seem like the fan that is on the same physical device should be as well? I am hopeful that one of the support team from Hubitat will have a fix or that someone in the community has solved the issue without doing a workaround.
No, it is incompatible, and I do not anticipate that will change.
Please read the HomeKit integration documentation. Quoting from the documentation:
It should not be compatible. In my opinion, this is an error that should be fixed for HomeKit certification. Tagging @gopher.ny
The appropriate approach would be that suggested by @Sebastien. Mirror your Bond devices into virtual devices that use built-in drivers. Then expose those virtual devices to HomeKit.
Or set up a Homebridge instance and be free of all the Apple forced restrictions.
Yes but a lot of people are daunted by setting up something like this whereas with hubitat it's built in and much easier to set up. Also adding more hardware to the mix...
Sure, possibly. I think the messaging has been pretty muddled outside of the official press release. Hubitat's press release is pretty clear. The native HomeKit integration is a way for Apple HomeKit users to bridge Zigbee and Z-Wave devices into Apple Home. That's it.
It's not being marketed as a general way to get a better control UI than the mediocre Hubitat dashboards. Which is what a lot of legacy users (like me) use Homebridge to do. Is it possible to do that with the official integration? In many cases. But it's also likely to require mirrored virtual switches for anything not Z-Wave or Zigbee. And IMO that goes against the spirit of the Apple restrictions on barrier & IP devices.
None of the native integration, Homebridge, HOOBS options are what I'd call 'optimal'. So like a lot of home automation tasks, pick your poison.
First it's pretty clear that it's still in beta. Also it's been explained a ton (as well as in the release notes) what's restricted and why. One advantage as well is if there are changes to the API (such as only certified system can use it) those will be passed to certified developers first and hoobs, hb etc may or may not be able to modifiy to be compliant if they can even be compliant... Sure I'm doing a lot of supposing in that last sentence but it happens often enough. Most non tech or somewhat tech literate don't necessarily wanna deal with setting up an rpi, or a windows box just to handle that whereas a teeny tiny little box can do what they want. I mean I'm a network engineer and I really have no desire to set up HB or what have you. And that's coming from a guy who has 5 blade servers running in his basement with 11 vm's running windows server and linux.
I've had HomeKit/HOOBs/Bond controlling my 3 fans at my cabin up north for the last 2 years and it works great with only a simple set up. I was interested when I saw the Hubitat HomeKit announcement in November and liked the integration possibilities and the price. During my research on Hubitat I saw information describing a working Hubitat to Bond integration, therefore I discounted the "LAN, WiFi or Cloud Devices" incompatibility and assumed HomeKit/Hubitat/Bond would integrate fully to the fan - not just the fan light. You know what they say when you assume something....
My mistake, but nonetheless disappointed. Anyone looking to buy a 2 day old Hubita? Anyone looking to sell a fully functional HOOBs?
Keep the Hubitat and use its great automation capabilities. Add a Home Assistant Yellow (backorder until March) that will run Homebridge. Use for UI and/or some of integrations. Ends up about the same price as a HOOBS box.
Thank you all. I’ll keep the Hubitat and look to the future for its value. I appreciate being part of this and the broader community of early adopters of the smart home and the efforts of everyone to make this a better quicker reality.
It's interesting to see the Lutron stuff be available to the built-in integration. I'm pretty sure it meets the out of scope LAN device criteria. The Lutron to Hubitat to Homebridge integration has a key capability that the native Lutron HomeKit integration does not - power on toggle percentage can be something other than 100%.
Homebridge also has some nice plug-ins that don't really fit in my use of Hubitat. #1 is my Ring doorbell - viewing in Apple Home is easier/more convenient than the Ring app.
As far as another box, I run mine on my Synology NAS. There's both a Synology package and Docker options. Everyone should have a NAS even if they don't know it, even if it's a 2 bay device.
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