I'm using a Synology NAS as an SMTP Relay, and tested that separately and it is working fine.
I have the settings set as follows. I'm using the Synology NAS' username and password for the Email User and Email Password fields. Can any help me in determining what this error is and how to fix it? Thanks for your replies.
Looks like you need to include an integer in the sendMsg call... After the message text... Does the driver include a sendMsg method (command) that includes a String and integer parameters?
A link to the driver you are trying to use would be helpful...
All I'm trying to do right now is test it. I'm entering a test message in the Send Msg box at the top. Nothing gets sent, and the log has the error msg above.
Sorry, guys I'm new at this. All I'm trying to do here is (eventually) get an email message when a water leak sensor is tripped.
Okay, I decided to drop HEmail and switched to SendmailV2. I created a simple notification that when a button is pushed, it sends an email. STILL doesn't work. My SMTP relay log is blank. Maybe someone can look through this debug log and determine what I'm doing wrong.
log is self explanatory whetever email server you are using is not allowing relay as it says recipient address rejected.. error is on your server side.