Help with notification for unlocked door

I'm using the built in notification app.

Here is my setup;

I have verified that the notification to DavidEmail works, but cannot figure out why I never get a notification after 10PM that the door is unlocked.

What am I doing wrong?


I don't use the notification app so I could be totally wrong but I would suspect that you would need to fill out how often to be notified. You don't have anything set in this field. Don't you need to set how often it should notify you?

I think it comes down to how often the lock reports back to the hub maybe. I'd say if the door is already open before 10pm you won't get a message because the device state dosn't change. You'd be better of using rule machine.

A few things that could be causing this:

  • If the door was unlocked outside of the 10 PM to 6 AM timeframe (even if it remains unlocked during that time), the notification will not happen
  • As configured, your lock must remain unlocked for 1 minute in order for this notification to happen
  • You do not need to fill in the "only once within..." field as suggested above (this is optional and will notify, in your case, every time the lock remains unlocked for 1 minute, regardless of how recent the last notification was). In general, fields without an asterisk are optional.

Since this is a lock and some locks (Z-Wave in particular) are notoriously problematic for some people, I have to ask: do you have a Z-Wave lock, and (regardless) does your lock accurately report lock status changes back to the hub? You can look at the device page as you lock/unlock ("Current States" should update in real time) or the live logs ("Logs" on the left-side menu, assuming you didn't disable description text/info logging for this device). Since your Notification app is configured correctly, it's more likely to be a device problem. The other type of device problem it could be is with the "DaveEmail" device. If you go to the device page, have you verified that sending a "Device Notify" command (that's what Notifications would use here) with arbitrary text does whatever you intend? The final thing I could think of to check is that your hub's time and time zone are correct (Settings > Location and Modes).

You could certainly try RM as suggested above, but that won't help if it's a problem with a device.

Good luck!

A few things that could be causing this:

  • If the door was unlocked outside of the 10 PM to 6 AM timeframe (even if it remains unlocked during that time), the notification will not happen

The is exactly what I'm trying to get a notification about. If someone has left the door unlocked, I'd like to know about it around 10PM. I have verified that if I unlock it after 10PM that I do get a notification.

How do I get a notification that the door was already unlocked when 10PM rolls around?


So the expected behavior right now is getting an alert if the door is actually unlocked after 10.

If you want to check if a door remains unlocked after 10 then you need to use RM and
something like a periodic schedule trigger maybe. Then test the state of the lock. You could even lock it..

You might still need both though to trap unlocks after 10.

EDIT: I found I didn't hit the arm button. We'll see if it detects the open lock at 10PM tonight.

What about the safety monitor? I tried setting it up there and it just reports disarmed, even though the dashboard reports locked.

Should the safety monitor work with locks?

thanks for your help,

HSM can notify you if a door is opened when in an armed state, but I don't think there is an option for locks, only contact sensors (I have not checked recently and could be wrong). But more importantly, it doesn't just do notifications. It also changes HSM's into an "Alert" status, which you have to clear somehow (Dashboard tile, going into the app, or another automation), which you may not want.

Why not just use "door unlocked" and a specific time as a trigger? (Repeats when you're likely to do nothing on almost every repetition are usually a bad idea.) Something like this would work in RM to get notified if the door is open at 10 or opens any time after 10 PM before 6 AM:


Time is 10:00 PM OR
Laundry Door unlocked

Actions to Run:

IF (Time is between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM AND Laundry Door is unlocked) THEN
  Notify: "%text%"

Looks good to me!

I'll try this. Honestly that is what I thought the notification would do. It like it doesn't do the 10PM check, just the unlock.


The rule worked great.


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If you had a few devices that you wanted to check, this would make it easier.

[RELEASE] Device Check Plus - Check selected devices, then warn you what's not in the right state

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I took a look and it doesn't seem to support locks, just switches.


You didn't look too hard, lol. :sunglasses::sunglasses:

First line of the description:

  • Select whether switches/sensors/locks should be on/off/open/closed/locked/unlocked and then choose how to trigger the 'Check'

and a screenshot...

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OK I got confused with the check on demand switch. I thought that was the switch that would be checked. It looks like this could be a switch I could use as a trigger, say when my porch light turns off, use that change as a trigger to see if the door is unlocked.

Got it setup. Thanks

I'm trying to do the same thing but seem to be getting lost in the rule manager settings. I've gone in to create a rule but getting confused on the type of trigger that I need to select here. I'm not seeing any type that is an "or" option, only a certain time or if the doors are unlocked in general.

You don't have to put "OR" in triggers--that's just what Hubitat displays in between multiple triggers to remind you that any trigger matching will cause the "Actions..." section to run. So, just add two triggers (or whatever you want), and that's what you need.

In your actions, you'll need to create a conditional and choose "AND" yourself, as that is where you can built conditions (not just specify events) and make them as complex as needed.

Thank you for the clarification. I was confused on this but understand now. Thanks again!

Is the purpose of the notification to mitigate inconsistent state reporting of the lock as Bert mentioned previously?

Seems like you guys got a handle on this already but as someone who’s lock has no issues reporting locked/unlock state I mostly just use rule machine with a 3 min timer to fire off a lock command (only if unlock state is still detected).

That being said, as soon as I find some time to setup my Konncted alarm integration setup I plan on having the actual door’s “closed” state act as an instant trigger to lock instead of the “unlock” with a delay as seen here and eliminate the need of all delay/timers altogether.

In my experience, you'll still want a delay when using the closed state. It's annoying if you just you pop out to put something in the car/compost bin, etc, and go back inside and your door has autolocked on you. I have a delayed lock on closed state, and cancel the delayed action if the door is locked manually or the door is re-opened.