Help me understand what I am doing wrong

Hello all,
New gy here just got my new C7 and I am digging into it. I have been doing home automation for way longer than I care to admit. Starting with Radio shack X10 stuff and on thru to my HomeSeer4 setup I have currently.
I am used to banging my head against the wall and being forced to comprehend new things at every turn. I have found the community is our real strength by sharing our mistakes and knowledge with each other.
My latest dilemma is this, I have 7 Inovelli LZW-42 RGBW bulbs in my Den and I also have a Inovelli LZW-30 SN Red switch. I have discovered all of the devices and have them listed in my Device manager. I can turn each bulb off and on, change tone and such.

The switch is another story, I have it listed in Devices as Inovelli Switch Red Series LZW30-SN, I have the switch driver, a child Driver as well as a switch level child device


I cannot control any switch activities from the Hubitat device page.
When I look at the Hubitat controls buttons I do not see any 1X, 2X or any other Button commands.
It says I have 8 buttons on the hubitat switch information
I am unsure how to proceed at this point to troubleshoot my switch issue.
Did I misload an incorrect driver somewhere along the line?
Miss a step in initialization?

Can you post a cap of your switch entry on the Z-Wave Details page?

Will look something like this:

From this link in Settings:


Is this what you want or do you need more of that page?

Go to Settings.


Then click on Z-Wave Details on the right.


Then find your switch in the list there and post a screen shot of its entry on that list. Just trying to ensure you've had a successful join...sometimes devices look OK on the Device page, but the Z-Wave Details page will show that they aren't properly connected.

am I missing an App? I installed drivers but no apps

Did you see my post above? Go to Settings and then Z-Wave Details and then find your switch in the list.

Don't look for apps yet, first need to confirm your switch is paired and communicating w/the hub.

I see its pending currently

1 Like

sorry misunderstood

1 Like

Yup...something didn't finish.

Try hitting the Refresh button - you may have to do it repeatedly. Like five or more times, keep trying that for a bit.

If that doesn't work you can try a Repair.

If that doesn't work then you'll have to use Remove and pair it again. use Remove you must remove power from the switch, which likely means flipping a breaker so it's dead while you do the remove. You may get lucky and have it finish using Refresh...Repair less likely (in my experience).

You can also try a reboot of your hub, using the Reboot option on the Settings page. That can sometimes resolve issues like this.

OK I will give those suggestions a try, Thanks for helping my at least get to a debug process.

Rebooting the hub did it!

still don't see the buttons like 1x 2x, I see a lot of LED stuff but on buttons I can test with.

Den Light Switch

codeApps Code
codeDrivers Code
System Events
« Device List
Child Off

Child On

Child Refresh

Component Off

Component On

Component Refresh

Component Set Color

Component Set Color Temperature


Component Set Level











Set Association Group


Group Number* :
Z-Wave Node* :
Action* :

Multi-channel Endpoint :
Set Config Parameter


Number* :
Value* :
Size* :

Set Indicator


Set Indicator* :
Start Notification


Start Notification* :
Endpoint :
Stop Notification


Endpoint :
Current States
energy : 0.013
groups : 2
lastActivity : 2020 Dec 05 Sat 5:39:56 PM
numberOfButtons : 8
power : 55
switch : on
State Variables
oldLabel :
defaultG3 : []
actualAssociation2 : []
defaultG2 : []
actualAssociation1 : [01]
defaultG1 : [01]
State After Power Restored The state the switch should return to once power is restored after power failure.

Click to set
Invert Switch Inverts the orientation of the switch. Useful when the switch is installed upside down. Essentially up becomes down and down becomes up.

Click to set
Auto Off Timer Automatically turns the switch off after this many seconds. When the switch is turned on a timer is started that is the duration of this setting. When the timer expires, the switch is turned off. Range: 1..32767 Default: 0
Association Behavior When should the switch send commands to associated devices? 01 - local 02 - 3way 03 - 3way & local 04 - z-wave hub 05 - z-wave hub & local 06 - z-wave hub & 3-way 07 - z-wave hub & local & 3way 08 - timer 09 - timer & local 10 - timer & 3-way 11 - timer & 3-way & local 12 - timer & z-wave hub 13 - timer & z-wave hub & local 14 - timer & z-wave hub & 3-way 15 - all Range: 0..15 Default: 15
LED Strip Color This is the color of the LED strip.

Click to set
Custom LED RGB Value
Input a custom value in this field to override the above setting. The value should be between 0 - 360 and can be determined by using the typical hue color wheel.
LED Strip Intensity This is the intensity of the LED strip.

Click to set
LED Strip Intensity (When OFF) This is the intensity of the LED strip when the switch is off. This is useful for users to see the light switch location when the lights are off.

Click to set
Active Power Reports The power level change that will result in a new power report being sent. The value is a percentage of the previous report. 0 = disabled. Range: 0..100 Default: 10
Periodic Power & Energy Reports Time period between consecutive power & energy reports being sent (in seconds). The timer is reset after each report is sent. Range: 0..32767 Default: 3600
Energy Reports The energy level change that will result in a new energy report being sent. The value is a percentage of the previous report. Range: 0..100 Default: 10
Load Type The default of the switch is to auto detect the load. In some situations you may want to try the option for a special load type. (firmware 1.17+)

Click to set
Disable Physical On/Off Delay The 700ms delay that occurs after pressing the physical button to turn the switch on/off is removed. Consequently this also removes the following scenes: held, released, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x tap. 1x tap and config button scenes still work. (firmware 1.19+)

Click to set
LED Notifications
When each notification set (Color, Level, Duration, Type) is configured, a switch child device is created that can be used in Apps to activate that notification.
LED Effect Color - Notification 1
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Level - Notification 1
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Duration - Notification 1
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Type - Notification 1
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Color - Notification 2
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Level - Notification 2
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Duration - Notification 2
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Type - Notification 2
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Color - Notification 3
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Level - Notification 3
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Duration - Notification 3
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Type - Notification 3
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Color - Notification 4
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Level - Notification 4
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Duration - Notification 4
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Type - Notification 4
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Color - Notification 5
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Level - Notification 5
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Duration - Notification 5
Tap to set

Click to set
LED Effect Type - Notification 5
Tap to set

Click to set
Disable Local Control
Disable ability to control switch from the wall

Disable Remote Control
Disable ability to control switch from inside Hubitat

Child Devices
Use the below options to enable child devices for the specified settings. This will allow you to adjust these settings using Apps such as Rule Machine.
Create "LED Color" Child Device
Create "Disable Local Control" Child Device
Create "Disable Remote Control" Child Device
Enable debug logging
Enable informational logging
Disable Debug Logging
Disable debug logging after this number of minutes (0=Do not disable)
Disable Info Logging
Disable info logging after this number of minutes (0=Do not disable)
Device Information
Inovelli Switch Red Series LZW30-SN
Device Name *
Den Light Switch
Device Label
Zigbee Id
Event history size (1-2000)
State history size (1-2000)
Device Network Id *
Inovelli Switch Red Series LZW30-SN
Type *
Device Details
Create Time 2020-12-05 5:39:52 PM CST
Last Update Time 2020-12-06 3:48:07 PM CST
Last Activity At 2020-12-05 5:39:56 PM CST
Controller Type ZWV
zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
S2: 131
deviceId: 1
deviceType: 2
manufacturer: 798
inClusters: 0x5E,0x6C,0x55,0x98,0x9F,0x22
secureInClusters: 0x70,0x85,0x59,0x86,0x32,0x25,0x72,0x5A,0x5B,0x73,0x75,0x7A
associationGroup1: [01]
associationGroup2: []
zwNodeInfo: D3 9C 83 04 10 01 5E 6C 55 98 9F 22 68 23 F1 00 70 85 5C 59 86 32 25 72 5A 5B 73 75 7A
In Use By
TV Lights (Rule-4.0)
Scheduled Jobs
No Scheduled Jobs are set.

Remove Device
Location: 4227Hubitat

It doesn't look like you have any routing in the last must have something that looks like below, w/routing info in the last column.

The "01->23->09 40kbps" entry in the example below.

If you don't have that, it's not really connected.

Is the switch controllable from its Device page now? On, off, etc?

nothing in any of those route boxs for any of my lights or switch.

Sorry - forgotten, are any of them controllable from their Device pages. Find them in the Device list,


And when you click on the device to go to their Device page, does On/Off, etc. work? Yours won't look exactly like below, but will be similar.