Help me fix my Zigbee network

Wi-Fi channel doesn't have anything to do with the integration. Check your IP address of your various iot devices and make sure that they're either set statically or have a reservation set up in the dhcp table

OK, so Philips devices are all working fine now. I have the four bridges set to 11, 15, 20, and 25. I understand that the bridges using 20 and 25 could still have interference from the Wi-Fi channel 11, but that's not so much of an issue historically. Main problem is my Zigbee blinds which don't give the proper position information to Hubitat.

So I changed the Hubitat Zigbee channel to 12. Despite waiting 24 hours, my Zigbee blinds remain unresponsive while all other Zigbee devices are working fine. Then changed to 15 and waited 24 hours - same problem. Then to 13 - same problem.

I e-mailed the Zemismart people about channel compatibility but have yet to hear back from them.

I'm not sure what to do next. I'm thinking about repairing the blinds with my current Zigbee channel to see if that will work.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

There should be some kind of Zigbee reset switch on the blinds; activate it and put your hub in Zigbee device discovery mode.

The Zigbee blinds should do a channel scan as part of the join process, find the hub and rejoin the network (don't delete any devices or automations on the hub when doing this).

This isn't supposed to be necessary when changing a channel (the devices are supposed to recognize that they are orphaned when the hubs channel changes and initiate the scan automatically, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way).

So repairing them did indeed fix the unresponsiveness problem, contrary to what I was told elsewhere.

Having said that, after all this effort, my blinds still send incorrect status signals to Hubitat, so nothing has really changed. :frowning:

I have found from personal experience that changing the Zigbee channel on my Hub meant that I had to re-pair a number of devices. Perhaps your window blinds require re-pairing.

I actually did re-pair them, however, are you suggesting I should unpair and then re-pair them fresh?

(Again, this is only a guess as to what is wrong).

I'll take guesses at this point. That is among the potential solutions for what I am thinking about doing.

So after all this effort, namely changing the channels on my Philips Hue bridges, changing the Zigbee channel on Hubitat, etc, getting all these Zigbee repeaters, etc, the bottom line is that I'm still having Zigbee network problems. And Z-wave problems. But I guess that's another issue...

I'm starting to wonder if replacing all of these Z-wave and Zigbee devices with Lutron isn't the solution I need.