Help! I bought a Monoprice smart plug and now realise it needs a custom driver!

I bought the Monoprice 15654 smart plug (rebadged Hank HKZW-SO01 devices zWave Cert: ZC10-16065124) recently since it was on sale. I saw on the site that it was compatible with Smartthings and assumed it would work on the Hubitat just fine.

I realize now that it requires a driver because it wasn't recognized as a smart plug when paired. In the Smartthings support, I saw the following device driver code used for Smartthings:

Can someone help me modify this driver code so that it works on the Hubitat? Manual link:

What are some tips to develop drivers in general? I am new to home automation topics.


Eric @ericm is here on the Hubitat Community also AND has converted his Code and setup a github repository. He's pretty wonderful !! :slight_smile:


Did you try the generic zwave switch or outlet drivers?

Work for me with built in driver for Aeon outlet.

thank you @csteele, driver worked like a charm. @mike.maxwell, the generic driver wasn't giving me the power usage - maybe I wasn't setting it up right.

I compared the ST based driver to the Hub version and noticed very minor differences.
Hub: private command(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
ST: private command(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd) {
Hub: def configuration = new XmlSlurper().parseText(configuration_model())
ST: def configuration = parseXml(configuration_model())

Very minor stuff. Is there an easy way to know in advance what the equivalent functions/libraries used by the Hubitat? Thanks again @ericm!

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