Help Adding XStick2 ZB

Again, you're close. I saw the exact same popups that you posted (including the helpful 'Remove and try again') during my efforts to join the stick; sometimes it took an interation of creating/saving/loading profiles (and just stopping and restarting the scan after joining) before it eventually worked.

Also make sure to choose device type XB24-ZB with Zigbee Router API and Firmware 23A7 (they've booby trapped the selection list with lookalikes XB24 and XB24-B and some others.. those are not what you want).

Are you seeing the stick's yellow LED blinking? It should do so when joined.

Yep treble checked that it was the right one. When I used the coordinator function the LED blinked all the time so I know it works but now I have swipe to the router its off permanently. I'll check all parameters captain and just keep spinning it round. I switched on join notifications in the config and got this.
Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 23.22.56

Thats the stick MAC address not sure where the FFFE comes from.

So it's not joining to an existing coordinator (though its capable of functioning as one).

How about the security key... did you paste that in

Probably need to use the pencil icon adjacent to the entry field to write it to the stick in the configuration settings (it's a write-only field and can't be read back like most of the config settings so make sure to cut/paste it rather than hand enter).

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OK added but I assume I have to set the option above to enabled as well to switch on encryption ?

I need some shuteye. it's just gone 00:00 here and need my beauty sleep.
Catch you guys on the flip side.

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Yes; probably worth checking all the settings against the screen shots of my config below and see how they look (except for the PAN ID they should match up). If you change a writeable field use the pencil icon next to it to enter it, then 'apply' the changes using the 'Profile... Apply Configuration Profile' icon dropdown and save it.

Note that the greyed out networking settings are what your stick is currently using (use the tail chasing arrow icon to refresh the field; when things are working you should see the long/short PAN ID's and operating channel there).


Thanks for this.
Iโ€™m off to see some bloke get his crown put on his noggin in London so be Sunday before I can back to it.


You mean this guy? :wink:

My stick is getting close,.. maybe a couple days away. Hurry up and finish this up so I can crib everything, just like when I was in school. :rofl::+1:

OK...I think we know it's not getting here on May 6, given it's May 9...

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He had a job for over 50 years. He just got a promotion. :wink::+1:

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Finally!! Only about a week later than promised by eBay seller...but probably not his fault:


Luckily I'll have some time tomorrow AM while my wife is getting a massage. I need you guys to have this wrapped up by then so I can just do a bunch of copy/paste - capice!? :wink:

It's here! Gird your loins for a LOT of stupid questions... :slight_smile:


Not much chance of that Iโ€™m in a tent in the middle of Peterborough and itโ€™s wifeโ€™s birthday and our wedding anniversary this weekend so further exploration of the mean green Zigbee machine has had to be halted till Tuesday.
It looks like it up to you bro. :joy:

@Tony & @Mayhem

I think I've managed to complete the settings as directed, but it's not working to do the scan.

  • Set up in router mode
  • Extended PANID (mine :slight_smile: ) entered
  • Other settings entered per your very helpful screen caps
  • Security key entered and security enabled
  • Hub in Zigbee join mode, go to Network Working Mode and start scan and get the error below:

I've removed and re-added the Xstick repeatedly per the error message, that doesn't seem to help. I never see anything on the Zigbee join screen on the hub.

I'm probably missing something obvious...but haven't figured it out yet. :slight_smile:

Halp! :wink:

I got the same message when trying to join the stick to a new PAN so your setup is probably fine. Because I was trying a bunch of things in addition to deleting/re-adding the radio module I didn't keep complete notes of everything I did at the time (at least ones I can now decipher). But I was able to repeat the process to swap it to another hub. I'll try going through the process again and see if I can get a repeatable step by step.

Only wrinkle is not knowing if we're starting from the same point, setup-wise. Since I'm starting with a 'known working' configuration there might be some setting that I won't be changing when I move it between PANs... hopefully if you make sure all the screenshot settings match up, that would only leave the security key (which is write only).

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Thanks, Tony!

I've tried to keep track carefully and match up w/your screen shots.

The one item that is a little confusing is that the security key disappears from the field in the configuration after I save it. I presume that's intended behavior - keeping the key secure after it's entered, correct?

Thanks for going through this again to help us figure it out. I spent time tonight trying to see if I could track down the full XML file in case that was important, but my Google-Fu skills were insufficient... :slight_smile:

Yes, the key can't be read out by design (at least on this stick).

So here's what I did to hopefully get us at a common starting point...

When I inserted my already joined stick, its yellow LED was blinking (it was on the mesh that I had previously joined it to) and near bottom of the 'change networking settings' section it showed a nonzero operating channel and the correct operating PAN ID. It was ready to scan the mesh; just needed to change mode to Network Working mode and choose scan.

Just to get it 'unjoined', I changed the last digit of the writeable PAN ID field and 'wrote' it to the stick with the little pencil icon; now the LED stopped blinking and refreshing the operating channel and operating PAN ID fields turned both of them to '0'. When I went to 'Working Modes > Network Working Mode and choose 'Scan' I got a single green 'R' node (representing the stick) on the map with the exact same popup (with the MAC address of my stick) that you posted.

Next I deleted it from the left pane (the tiny 'x' in the blue box representing the radio deletes it), re-discovered it, then did 'Working modes' > 'Configuration working mode', then on the right pane chose 'Profile' < 'Create configuration profile' and saved it to a file, using the correct PAN ID (this also makes swapping PANS easier since you can just load pre-configured files).

I assumed that at this point it would start working, but no; no blinking yellow and same error popup as before. I vaguely recall this was when I stopped taking notes last time I went through this and just started trying stuff... so I then did 'Profile' > 'Apply configuration profile' and when the file open dialog box came up, I picked the profile I had just created and loaded it. This wrote the settings to the radio and the light began blinking.. it had joined the mesh. I think if you do this with the hub in 'Add device' mode, it will then join.. you should also be able to refresh those operating channel and PAN ID fields and verify the settings it is using (the tiny tail chasing icons refresh the fields).

Going through this just now made me remember thinking 'why did I have to load the profile when I just wrote all those same settings with the pencil icons?' but maybe that step just sets them up in a buffer to be saved to a file and doesn't really set them in the radio (though it clearly did change my stick from blinking to non-blinking via the pencil icon edit of the PAN ID)... anyway, it got my stick working again (at least to a previously joined hub).

I'm starting to drag now since its late on the east coast; if these steps don't kick your Xstick into joining, tomorrow I'll try again with my C-7 (it's never been joined to that hub before... it's unplugged in the parrot's room and we know better than to wake him up in the middle of the night lol)


Just saw this, thanks! I'll try that tomorrow, we are past the point here where I can sneak back to the family room to mess with the Xstick. :slightly_smiling_face:

Beware the parrot! :scream::wink:

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This isn't working the same way for thing I should note is that I haven't seen the yellow blinking light on the stick since I first inserted it and did the updates to put it into router mode. I didn't track exactly when it stopped blinking. I get the normal "found device" windows bloops when I remove/re-insert it, the stick responds to FW updates in XCTU, is found when I remove/re-add it via the small x/mag glass discover modules, etc.

I tried applying a "bad" extended PAN ID, saving that to a profile, then applied the profile w/the good PAN ID while hub was in pairing mode. No blinking, no reaction from the hub.

I've unplugged and re-plugged the stick, also shut down/restarted XCTU. Going to restart my computer now as well...but I'm clearly missing someting given the lack of any blinky-blinky (that's the technical term :wink: ) on the stick.

@Mayhem - do you get any blinking on your stick since you updated it to router mode?

Hey Tony, I found the XML file here in this post from @andydvsn in the original Xbee thread. Luckily he had the foresight to save the XML.

Actually found it while I was out walking the dogs, and we're leaving to go on a bike ride in a few minutes, so I can't do anything about it at this point, but I'm hoping this will help us out.

Good... that might do it. Sent you a PM with another idea; googling turned up a post with the key format entered as 0x5A6967426565416C6C69616E63653039 (pre-pended '0x' indicating hex format). That might be the way the key needs to be entered in the KY field. Possibly that's whats in the XML file...

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Doesn't look like it will work in that format:

I'll try the XML file next.