Help Adding XStick2 ZB

Sadly, same error after importing the XML file/creating a profile based on it. Added in my extended PAN ID, created a new profile based on that.

When I go to network working mode and scan same old error:

Removed it using the small X and discovered it again and try to scan again and fails again. Arrgh! (Frustrate pirate noise.) :wink:

Maybe it will work for @Mayhem when he gets back from crowning Prince Chucky. :slight_smile:

My dear frustrated fellows. The only time I get blinkyblight is if I change it to a coordinator. Logically I suppose. And have done so a couple of time to prove it’s still alive.

Still not got any further than you chaps and off to Coombe Abbey for the wife’s birthday and our anniversary so any dabbling in the dark arts of the Operational Working & Functions of Unified Communication of Zigbee Stick
OWFUCZS as it’s known in the trade, after another parameter is inserted and dose nothing :grin:

Keep banging the rocks together chaps I’ll catch up with it tomorrow. :+1::+1:

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Happy anniversary, and happy birthday to your wife.

Your pay will be docked of course, due to your lack of focus on the truly important things, like OWFUCZS. :slightly_smiling_face:

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VICTORY! @Tony got me hooked up. :smiley: :partying_face:

The key fix was after getting everything set up and the proper config loaded/applied, was re-applying the FW to the stick, and putting the hub in pairing mode...after the FW update completed the hub found the stick (joined it as a contact sensor initially, I changed that to type "Device") and scanning works and it is finding my stuff.

Tony gets a big check in the WIN column. :slight_smile:

Off for Mother's day stuff now...gotta earn the WAF! :slight_smile:


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