hi, ive got 3 heatmiser hubs that id like to add to a dashboard but the last info is from years ago, has anyone managed to perfect this ? many thanks
Does it offer an API or other integration options?
Did you explore this?
You could PM-ing @Bagpuss who has the somewhat extensive topic in the Lounge from 2022:
I’m afraid I’ve not made any progress.
I’m stuck while there’s no stable integration for a Heatmiser neo running only as a programmer, not a thermostat.
I would love to get it working, however. Hundreds and hundreds of pounds spent on kit, and it doesn’t integrate. Still doing it all manually
Ok, Ive finished all my various house tasks and will actually spend some time on Hubitat integrations. I find my Heatmiser integration still works for what I need it to do (except for some quirk with Easy dashboard where I removed things that weren't relevant, but it seems Hubitat fails in some ways after removal) - so what I need to understand is what doesnt work and what you need it to do.
I am aware that my integration only works with Heatmisers legacy API (not the modern one), and I know it would be good to support the modern one, but my Heatmiser Hub doesnt support the new API so I have no way to test/develop this.
I am also aware that changing temperatures and setting Holds for periods of time is pretty awkward and the function names arent obvious, linked to the fact that it originally came from a Smartthings integration. Before I rip this up and re-do I want to make sure I can fix some of the problems you are finding.
E.g. These are the things that appear on my dashboard - it allows me to see status, change the temperature with the up/down arrows (until the next schedule change), and it allows me to boost the temperature (i.e. force on for 1 hour) and it allows me to cancel the boost for whatever reason.
i did explore this but people had issues and they never got resolved, i dont want to go through the drama of adding it and have it not wok, i had the same issue with mitsubishi aircon, someone made something, and it just didnt work at all, and now i have ongoing errors even though its uninstalled
ive been watching for a couple of years but ive seen it hasnt quite worked ! i also have hundreds spent and i hate the interface haha
i was hoping someone had managed to navigate their way around this lol, im not smart enough to even try !
from the reading it does, but no one seems to have got it working, its a shame it just cant be logged into like the alexa app
It is a shame but Amazon Alexa has a well documented API, which is what Hubitat needs to integrate with an external service.
i was more meaning, its a shame i cant just log into the heatmiser app in hubitat like you can do with the alexa one, im trying to make it so im not the only person who can work it, but its proving difficult lol
Yes that’s what I mean. There is no “just login” to Alexa from an external service like Hubitat.
It’s because there is an Alexa API that Hubitat staff developers were able to write a Hubitat app that can integrate with Alexa.
If heatmiser has a functioning API, then it might be possible for a Hubitat community developer to write a Hubitat app that integrates with heatmiser.
I dont really understand what you are finding difficult. If you install the Heatmiser Neostat app that is hosted on HPM, it will ask you to type in the IP address of your Neohub. Then all you need to do, to get it working is enable the legacy API in the Heatmiser Neostat app, which will allow Hubitat to request thermostat details from Heatmiser.
I havent updated my device handlers to deal with the new API, since my hub doesnt support the new API so I cant do any testing, but the old API still works perfectly fine (and is forwards compatible with future hubs).
Hi @cjcharles,
from my perspective, the thing I don't seem able to do is control a Heatmiser NeoStat that's running in time clock mode. (Mode 2, in the Heatmiser Neostat instructions.)
The Neostat is being used as a boiler programmer, basically. It turns a system boiler on or off.
When going into the device page, all the buttons for controlling a thermostat are there, but of course they do nothing as it's not a thermostat. As far as I can tell, the only control I have is to boost for one hour.
Even if I figured out a way to make a workaround for this, and I guess it would be better than no firing of the boiler at all, when I'm in Rule Machine, there are no options to boost, nor to turn on or off. Only options are to set temperature. This, of course, causes a red error in the logs.
My end goal would be to have a TRV be able to call for heat and turn the boiler on, stop calling for heat and turn the boiler off. Frost protection is the main event here, as the building is unoccupied for periods during the colder months.
I got a whiff of Heatmiser thinking about producing a TRV, which presumably would tie in with their existing kit, but a) it would mean yet another seven "smart" TRVs being replaced (been through Zigbee ones, now using Kasa ones), and b) I'm not enamoured with the Heatmiser platform, and the app is horrible.
@Bagpuss Useful feedback, thank you. I've not got a timer device so never did any testing of it, but should be fairly easy to add those controls for on/off, and potentially see what happens with a 'boost' (which is presumably just like on & delayed-off). I'm part way through quite a big rejig of my integration as I'm starting to reach a desire to do similar with TRVs so will get a beta out with that for you to test.
Thank you @cjcharles, that would be great.
If you'd like any reports or stuff from my side, I'll do my best to help!