Nice thread. I wanted to implement some automatic fetching, but to be honest, it is very simple the way I implemented it: simply with 2 virtual switches. One for a morning and one for the afternoon peak events. I flip the corresponding switch manually when it is announced, and then it triggers rules in Rule Machine at specific times
The VSS: things are all Virtual Switch for Scenes. Each switch triggers what I call a scene, which is just another rule in Rule Machine. The rule sets thermostats, shuts off (or turns on) switches, etc.
I installed the HYDROQC integration to my HA and imported it to HE using HADB. It gives several info which are not very usefull but the relevant ones are there.
Yes indeed, Griddy's model was one that actually had more at risk BECAUSE of the structure of the power market in TX.
BUT interestingly, one of the big arguments used to support Smart Meters in many TX municipalities was inconsistently offered after the arguments were won, approvals were granted, and the meters were allowed to be put in.
That is, "giving the customer a break on electricity pricing because you would know exactly how much they were using peak vs off peak". As most know, "Off Peak" power, ESPECIALLY that which is generated between 10pm and 5am, is generally a HALF PRICED commodity.
But instead of all the big players making that a simple Easy Button option for consumers right from the start of the program...they concocted a cornucopia of combo pricing options that made picking providers, plans, and usage profiles very confusing for most folk.
In my mind, the promise of "cheaper power by shifting usage" never came to the market in the straight forward offering it should have. This would have benefited everyone (maybe not the gimmick prone power marketers)....the generators as far as not needing to rush to ramp up capacity, and the consumers ....REALLY getting a deal..... IF they could shift more power use to Off Peak. It's too bad it's not easy to "store" AC Cooling generated at night...for the next bloomin hot TX afternoon!
So in that particular situation, freezer, frige, light etc. does not cost anything to run in winter. The 2 that are wasting are the dryer and hot water. Because both are discarding heat outside.
Hum, yes and no. Heat rises, thatâs why heaters are usually near the ground, I donât need to heat my ceiling and attic from the lights on the ceiling. Heating behind the fridge does not really help heating the air, which is what matters for comfort. Thatâs also why heaters are typically on a wall, with no obstruction, so that the heat circulates. Also, electronics and such are really inefficient heaters, only a fraction of the energy they use becomes heat. If the biggest portion of their energy use is wasted, such as an idle computer, a TV that is on for nobody to watch, lights that are on for nobodyâs use, they really are wasting energy.
He was just responding to an aimless comment that added absolutely nothing to this topic...
This tool is useful to Quebecers but it seems to bother a lot of people who are not involved!
Energy does not disapear. It dissipate into heat no matter what you use it for in the first place (thermodynamic principles). That is why there is a big fan on computer CPU. And no the heat behind the frige does not stay there. It is warmer because it is constantly replenished by the compressor. If it stayed there the temperature would increase indefinitely
Evidently if someone is using another type of heating system (fossil fuel, heat pump) what I said earlier does not hold true.
No, the reverse engineered integration of Hilo into HA is nowhere near stable enough for me to trust it with thermostats. I only use it to read the meter. The reading of the meter fails every few weeks, but the thermostats directly in Hubitat are almost flawless, so long as the thermostats themselves donât get stuck. It happened about 3 times in two years that one of my 11 thermostats got stuck on reporting always the same power (the actual heating/idling kept working), which was quickly fixed by a breaker on/off cycle.
I integrated the Stelpro thermostats directly into Hubitat. I wrote a Zigbee driver for it, which is available through HPM or GitHub
I don't know if they change their policy since you got yours because now the use of the hilo hub is mandatory as well as having their supplied devices hook up to it. So this won't allow me moving them to Hubitat directly.
The rules have not changed, I have a different reading interpretation than you ;). I do have the Hilo hub, and it does read my meter. I do have the thermostats and they are wired to the houseâs electric circuit. Thereâs just no connection between the Hilo hub and the thermostats. And so far, so good well into my second year.
Just got an email from Hydro Quebec since I kept bugging them about an API, Well good news to all of us, new JSON file will be available for next winter directly from Hydro Quebec. For those that did try my app out (was never released officially), I will be making updates to use this new JSON file.