Grouped tile

Is it possible to have one tile represent multiple devices. Ex. I want a particular tile to turn red if any of 4 contact sensors are open.

The tile can only be linked to one device, but that device could be used as a consolidated sensor and its value determined by a rule or app.

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Thanks. I used webcore instead and all is good. One slight issue....I'm a little ocd...the "open/closed" has lower case for the first letter while every other tile has a capital. Any way to edit this?

I wanted a tile to quickly show if all my doors are closed when I go to bed at night. I accidently left a seldom used door wide open a few weeks ago; oops, my bad! Fortunately, I live in a quiet neighborhood and nobody accessed the door. If they had, the motion sensors would have picked it up.

What I did was create a virtual lock device in Hubitat. Then I created a basic rule to change the virtual lock to unlocked if any of the exterior door contact sensors are opened. Then 30 seconds after all the selected doors are closed, the virtual lock will reset to locked. Then I created a tile for the virtual lock. Due to the critical nature of this virtual device, I placed a tile for it on every dashboard panel.

I tried it first using a virtual switch, but found the virtual lock worked much better for this purpose.

I also have the virtual lock set up in the Hubitat Alexa Skill so that I can ask Alexa "What is the status of the exterior door lock? She will check and then respond to indicate whether the exterior door lock is locked or unlocked. If the virtual lock is unlocked, I then need to check individual door contact switches to see which one was left open.

If you need help in setting up the device or rule, I will be glad to help.

You could use one the community apps to monitor quite a few devices. I use supertiles and it allows for 8 devices per tile(possibly 16 if it fits). And then there's Tile Master as well. I don't use tile master but I believe it has more features than supertiles. This is one of several I use for lights and things but you can customize it however you like and I know quite a few people use them for contact sensors. The icons I found online somewhere.