Great dissappointment

I remember back when I used to expect Lamborghini standards under Yugo prices.

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Enjoy then ! :slight_smile:

I don't know if things are different these days, but cars like the Lamborghini weren't all that reliable. A long way back, I sold Jaguars. I used to tell buyers to expect their cars to be in the shop quite often, at least once a month and probably a week at a time. We always had a few of the Italian sports cars as well. Fun but never reliable and expensive to fix. Not sure a Yugo was any more reliable though.

Hi hi, world is small :wink:
My old precious (but you're right about Jag reliability)

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So if you weren't available for several days and one of your pumps failed to pump, whatever the reason, short of a big power failure, would your fish still like you when your returned? Having spares doesn't help much if you aren't available to plug new pieces in and get things going again as was the case of the OP. Your point in presenting your 2 pumps is, what I thought was as an illustration of a redundancy plan. If your two pumps currently have separate power supplies, plugged into two different breakers (in case one of them trips the breaker) and one can take over in case one fails, you have a great illustration of a plan.

It's actually not irrelevant as there have been a small number of reported occurrences to where "zwave" devices have "disappeared" from the database. This is resolved simply by doing a hub "shutdown" (not reboot) and pulling the power for 30 seconds and then rebooting the hub and all is back to normal.

But please continue to inform us on what is "relevant" on problems you are unfamiliar with.

You're right about the logic. In my case, redundancy is not perfect: I have to replace the pump or the power supply. I have other animals there (cats) and a (skilled) son coming to my house every day to feed them if I'm not there.
In case of pump/power supply failure, it takes 15 minutes to replace everything.
So, you're right, technically my spares are not a full redundant system. But I think my setup (in my real own life) is better than most of people with pond and fishes (except professional ones of course).
And to my defense, your honor, I wrote that I have a good backup, not a redundant system :slight_smile:

I was not trying to argue that you didn't have things redundant or in control. The OP would likely have been able to catch the issue and fix it had they been there. But they weren't and the failure lasted over a great deal of time. None of the suggestions wouldn't have helped, because there was no one present to fix the issue and get things going again.
In reality, nothing can take care of ALL the eventualities. Think about what you would want to do if you were going to leave your home for 6 months like the OP. Would one Son's visiting every day be enough. Supposing he became unavailable for some reason. For several days or weeks.
We can all believe we have our situation under control. I was just hoping I could point out there are lots of areas when things happen, like a circuit breaker tripping (or really anything under the sun), that we just hadn't considered. The OP was unrealistic in thinking that things shouldn't break. They do. We can plan for the worst, but some times something even worse than that happens.


You guys sure know how to turn a post sideway. What a bunch of clowns :joy:


First of all, I have not Z-Wave devices, (at least not yet). However, You have asked something that is completly irrelevant to occourence, (and @IpostThings do Your homework before qualifying someone with any qualification!)

First of all read the posts. I didn't "ask" anything, nor did I say you had zwave devices. I stated that you claiming that jkudave's question on "what devices" they are as being irrelevant which is false and his claim is completely relevant by the example that I "stated", providing of this issue has occurred (rarely) WITH zwave devices.

O, in that case my appologies for acusing You about asking. Yet, devices that were in the database are not so important now, but for Your info, there are several remotes, number of light and light drivers, some thermometers, and few switches.
However, it still is irrelevant as those are not in the database any more and it came to my mind to power off box and power it back again.

it is what it is, there is no, obviously, turning back.
I have setup new box, and just waiting to come home. And, yes, this time, it will not be only one.

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One more tool that I can recommend as being very helpful.
If you have setup a vpn into your own router, I've found that you can do almost anything. Most modern day routers make this a very easy task.
Also, you want control over the outlet that your hub is plugged into. That way you can shut it down (shutdown command in settings) and then restart it (using your outlet control).
You can also disable zigbee or zwave radios for a period of time.
You can also do a soft reset , remotely.
Even if you go to another product, this is a good tip.
P.S. I've been disappointed too, and lost some stuff. It was probably my own fault. Nonetheless, you won't find a product that's as powerful and flexible for the money. It's simply the best. Besides that, I can't tell you how much I've gained from this community. It's simply outstanding.
So, change if you want. But, I think that you're going to be disappointed again.

@cedo.maric Can I just say that if you're after help and getting it resolved for the future then there's some great replies here, but you're going about it the wrong way.

If you're after just a derisory moan .. you're spot on. Well done.

Your experience with this issue is not typical or none of us would be using HE. I sympathise with the outcome of losing the database, especially over such a distance, but it shouldn't happen and should have been better handled by yourself when it did.


With all due respect, I am really not after help, (to be honest, I do not think not anyone can do anything in here about what happen).
However, not even moaning was my intention. It is, merely, to start changing things with the box
As it arrived at first time to me, the box looked and worked promising. I liked ease of use, and most of all, I liked variety of devices that it is ready to manage.
If You asked me what I did not like with, it was slight sluggishness in work, (the more devices more sluggish it started to be), which I could understood perfectly and could cope with, as well as some other "missdesigns" which I'd have changed if I were creator of one.
What, really, hit me out of my shoes, was that database loss which, (I consider), is not acceptable under any circumstances. Please do not ask me to explain this part, as it would take far more than commnet box .

Not quite VPN, but VNC over internet to my server, (I have more tasks besides HE as well), through this server.
Thank You for the tip, I will try to establish one when I arrive home.
Once again. Box worked, looked, and priced promising. That emphasised all my fuss about loosing database. To open my cards completly, I have started a small enterprise back at home with idea to promote Zigbee products as cheap and reliable alternative to KNX, (the latter one is very pricey and does not have much sense in apartment level).
I have tried IKEA, OSRAM, PHILIPS and even SMARTTHINGS, and each one had it's drawbacks. Mos of these drawbacks were very narrow, or no support for other brands. HE gave me this flexibility, but database loss was something I have not expecting at all.

I have followed this thread and I have not read anywhere that a cause was discovered for the database loss. Until that is determined, I don't see how the Hubitat can be held fully responsible. I know I have had many cases where I have wanted to blame a piece of equipment that failed and was furious with said equipment only to discover it was something completely different that caused the problem. In that case, there should be no expectation that equipment would be immune to the cause. In an extreme case, if my house was struck by lightning and I didn't have a surge protection, I can't blame my TV manufacturer that their TV did not survive.

I am in no way saying that is the case in this thread but if you are locked in on it was Hubitat's failure, you might miss the true cause and be subject to true cause initiating failure again on a new piece of equipment. In my lightning metaphor, don't go out and buy a new TV until you add surge protection.

The bottom line is this SUX and it very well could be the Hubitat that failed you. I just want to make sure that all possibilities are examined before moving on to avoid future failure with a Hubitat or other brand of hub and more heartache and dollars (or drachmas, pesos, pounds, rubles, rand, etc) wasted.

Good luck and I think I can safely say that we all feel your pain.

I may have missed it in the reading of the thread but I haven't seen how it was assessed as a database failure.
The OP is miles away and therefore hasn't had a visual of the hub.
I asked if VPN or anything similar is available to remotely log on and no reply was forthcoming.
From this I would suggest we don't actually know if it is a database failure yet.
As I say that's from speed reading this and I may have missed it. (More likely).

It hasn't. All we know for sure is that the OP had no off-hub backups to restore from. But they seem 100% sure it's all Hubitat's fault.

I lost my database after a hub update before. Fortunately I saved my backup to an external drive so it wasn't a huge deal but I can definitely see the pain for others without this safeguard.

Edit : see this post