Govee Immersion LED Strip Driver - Govee Cloud API

Not sure what I can say other then look at your rule. I have something similar that works with my Roku TV and Samsung TV that uses a Roku Stick.

My suggestion would be to make sure you are not getting strange things from the LG webOS integration. I had to use a Zigbee Plug with Power monitoring for the Samsung TV because the roku stick reported power state weird.

Just set this up and I'm stuck on configuring the device. I pulled the API key, entered that, and attempted to let it autocomplete however the other fields were required. Confirmed the MAC in the Govee app was the same as the MAC my router shows, but I'm not getting any control. Strip is a 6199. Any good starting place to troubleshoot?


It isn't that mac.

You have to use the one that is returned. Look at the Live logging on hubitat for the device linked to your account. When you setup the device and click refresh it should pull that information down and put it in the logging.

Gotcha. Then the trouble is because the other two fields are required I can't add the API key but leave the other two blank.


I was able to pull it using command prompt and now all is working. Thanks!

As for automatically getting the device ID from your driver, how is that supposed to work if you can't enter just the API key?

Will this work with this WebCore piston?

Is the mode available in the api? it would be nice to able to set it to video when using a watch tv automation

The API only has what is available via Wifi in the app (possibly even less). For a lot of the advanced stuff you have to be connected via blue tooth. You can do on/off brightness and colors and I think thats about it.

Thanks Obi2000, I just set this up with my H6199 TV lighting and H6056 smart light bars. They seem to work well. Now time to have fun making automations


I just wanted to post this so folks are aware. On May 4th Govee updated their API and now it includes Rate Limits.

There are a few different ways it is applied but the one that seems to have cause a lot of havoc is requests by user per day. Simply put a single API Key can make 9999 calls per day. The folks on HA got caught by this because they by default refresh in their integration every 10 seconds. Once they get over 1 device they run into the ceiling quickly. If anyone uses this integration and sets up a regular refresh to pull status keep this in mind.

This may be something to track @Obi2000 in the driver to ensure reliability.

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I have the newer style "75 -85" Govee Immersion kit just hooked to a ZigBee wall wart for basic on/off.

Are there added features I'm missing by not adding it to hubitat via this driver? This thread is a little all over the place.

Depends on how you want to use it. Disadvantage of cutting the power with a smart plug is that you can no longer turn it on via its normal method, such as the app. If you use one of the Hubitat drivers the device would stay powered on, and you can also use automations to adjust the color and brightness (to solid colors only). Disadvantage of the driver is you have to poll the Govee API to get updates or send commands, and it is all cloud based, no local control. If you use any sort of gradient or cycling colors you still have to adjust that using the Govee app.

So if you only want to turn it on and off, and are happy with making manual adjusts to the colors via the phone app then I think you are best off to leave it how it is.

Yea it took me a while to adjust the camera and dial in all the settings so I don't need to tinker with anything. The sonoff wall wart is also tied into a bunch of my scenes and modes. I think I'm going to let it be.

Now if I could just figure out these IKEA blinds. WAF is very important on this as she loves them.

One thing I would point out is that polling is only required if you make changes outside of hubitat. If you dont or rarely do that then thus driver allows you to turn the strip on and off, set color temperature, and set color.

This can be very useful with scenes to allow you to have different colors with different scense.

I have only had 2 occasions where the govee cloud has failed. Well other than the self inflicted issue with the addition of rate limiting.

I have been using this driver for months flawlessly, but the Govee limits have made it so that my scenes only erratically turn on or off the lights in my scenes, or even from the device controls in the Devices list.

Is there a way to change the refresh rate? I have no experience with Groovy, but from some novice level experience with html, php, and javascript, I think I can make changes if I understand what I need to change, and how.

My guess is that the change needs to happen somewhere in this code:

def poll() {

def refresh() {

def updated() {
//get devices or get specific device info
if(!settings.MACAddr || !settings.Model)


def setupDevice(){

Appreciate any guidance!

I don't think this driver has a automated refresh. By chance do you have HA setup with their govee integration? How many Govee devices do you have?

This driver does not have an automatic refresh. Did you setup a rule to refresh it on an interval?

I don't have Home Assistant, but I've been thinking about getting it to help with some integrations that don't exist or exist well in HE, like the latest Broadlink RM 4.

That said, I've got 8 devices: 2 Auras, a strip, four bulbs, and a bowl light.

No, I didn't! I realize now I mis-read another thread. :sweat_smile:

I call the two Aura lights automatically based on motion, and there never seems to be a hitch. It's only when I call the two Auras and four LED bulbs manually through Alexa for scenes that there seem to be issues, but I'm only doing that 3-6 times per day.