Google Home not updating with new devices

Is anybody else having problems getting new devices from Hubitat to show up in Google Home App? I've selected them in Apps, Google Home, then clicked Done. Still haven't seen anything new in Google for over 30 minutes. Looks like the only way I can get them to populate is to unlink Hubitat from Google and then relink the two back together.

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I have added and deleted devices from the new Google Home App. Worked great.

Only thing I can think of is to be sure your hitting the 'Update' button before hitting the 'Done' button in the app.

Are you on iOS per chance?

No sir...I am on android.

Quick test.. Add a new device (or use a newly added device for the following).
Go to an Android phone or Google Home device and say "Ok Google, turn off (or on) device name".
Does it turn the device on/off?

No sir. Using my Google phone, I say "Turn on kitchen can lights" and it replies back "It looks like those lights haven't been set up yet:.

Update button? I don't think I have ever seen one of those in the Google Home App.

Can you control the device via voice you added? There seems to be a delay in google building the UI for a room. If you go into the hubitat section of Linked Devices (Account, general settings, settings, assistant, home control and then scroll down to Hubitat, do you see the devices listed there?

If so, if you go to the device list (the home icon) and scroll all the way down, "In your home" tap that and do your Hubitat devices show up?

No sir...I can't control the device via voice.

No sir...When I go to the Linked Devices on the Google Home app, no new devices have shown up there over the last few hours .

Anything in live logs when you save the Google Home App (In hubitat Apps UI) after adding or removing a device?

Actually there do appear to be numerous errors.

See attached screenshot.

Sorry, meant to say hit the 'save' button

So...I went through and manually unchecked all the devices I thought shouldn't be allowed to pass through to Google and it appears to have sync'd. Apparently "If you include a device that isn't compatible with Google Home it will just be ignored and not sent to Google Home" isn't 100% functional yet. I took off door sensors, presence sensors, Ecobee room sensors, and PushOver. All of my switches and lights appear to be updated almost instantly in the Google Home app.

The devices should be removed from the device list, is that not hapening?

I don't believe so. Literally every one of my devices were populated in there.

Well then, I think we're on to something here.

Unsupported devices works correctly:

Returning to the app and that previously selected device is no longer selected.

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I'm unable to duplicate this using any unsupported devices, can you see if you can find a specific device that's causing this issue?
I would start with any device/driver that's not provided by Hubitat.

Quick Test before work for you guys. If I leave PushOver checked and click Done, the logs show me an error "java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getTime() on null object (updated)". Everything else stays the same (nothing gets unchecked automatically in the Google Home app list on Hubitat).

If I uncheck PushOver, then I get no error message but do get a warning message "The following devices are not supported by Google Home and will be removed from your device list:[Front Entry Door, Garage Entry Door, Kitchen, Master Bedroom]" Then when I go into the Google Home app on Hubitat, all of the unsupported devices get automatically unchecked.

Edit.... grammar issue

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So this is our pushover driver doing this right?