I have a Radio Thermostat connected to my HE and to Google Home via HE. When I open the thermostat in HE under devices, I can adjust the thermostat temperature there. However, if I do it with the Google Home, either by voice or screen, it does not adjust the temp. I CAN, however, turn the thermostat on/off/cool/heat through the Google Home. Any ideas on what the issue is?
I don't believe that thermostats are supported in the GH integration quite yet. However, there is a workaround for this. If you expose the Thermostat in the Marker API, you can get a list of the supported commands. One of them will be something like thermostat setPoint. It will allow you to build a url for a web request where you would input the value you want to set the thermostat to.
Then go over to IFTTT. There is a google assistant trigger of Simple Phrase with a number value. Select that and follow the guide on setting it up. Then for action choose Maker Webhooks. You'll input the URL from the Maker API and insert the number value from the the GA trigger and voila, you then can set the temp from Google Assistant.
I use google home app on my phone with HE virtual thermostat to control heating and can set temp and on or off but as @Ryan780 said maybe it's not supported on actual google home and mini devices but that's a bit crap if you can do it on the phone app and not the home units.
No, that's a limitation of the Google Assistant/HE integration. Not Google Home. Google Home supports thermostats but I don't believe the HE integration supports them completely.
Thanks Ryan! I was a bit confused because it shows if you link to another hub (I won't mention another competitor) you can control the thermostat. So that makes a bit more sense now. And for the record, it won't set via Home Assistant on my phone, nor via Google Minis/Google Hub display.
Is this just a big with HE that will get worked out or are we at where we're at?
Thanks for all the feedback to the NOOB.
I haven't seen/heard of any upcoming changes or enhancements on the Google Home/Assistant integration in HE.
Which is really a shame as I think there are many improvements that could be made... But as the focus is on local control/automation I think pretty much any cloud integration takes a back seat in terms of development priority.
You may be experiencing the issue in the below threads (one of which is mine). If your thermostat can be set to "auto", I believe google home will be able to change the setpoint - but not if it is in heat or cool mode. Developers are aware of this - if not from these 2 threads directly then from a ticket I opened. As I am using Nest, which is mostly unsupported at this point in time, a fix is understandably low priority. I was able to get around the issue by linking my google home to the nest directly.
Sorry I'm not much help on fixing your issue as I know nothing about Radio thermostats, but it may at least identify the problem!
Thanks for opening the ticket. Maybe between that and this thread they'll get around to looking at it. I'm in by no means complaining about this platform. It's amazing. Just want to get some attention on it.
Thermostat support in GH, as in not working, is an issue with the driver and it's attributes.
I have a ct101 headed my way, and will be writing a dedicated driver for it that works correctly with GH.
2.0.9 will include a dedicated driver for the GoControl Z-wave thermostat, that will work with GH as well.
@mike.maxwell Could you expand a little on that? Since I'm always going to have to use my user GoControl driver, it would be good to make sure I fix it in mine, too.
I dont know why your driver isnt working, what's it not doing?
Sorry, I should have been more clear.
I don't know if my user GoControl driver works w/GH or not. Haven't tried it (although I have plenty of GH, so could/should).
I interpreted what you posted as there was something specific that was needed in terms of attributes to make it work with GH (that a driver may/may not have), and I just wanted to make sure I had it in there.
I'll go try it later tonight.
That didn't take long... LOL.
As soon as I add a thermostat to Google Home in HE I get this in the logs:
app:92019-04-01 07:32:28.532 pm warnThe following devices are not supported by Google Home and will be removed from your device list:[Computer Room Thermostat]
I'm assuming it is something I did wrong somewhere in the driver.
Link to your driver code?, I'll look into it...
Thanks. No huge issue, obviously. But it would be nice to know what about the driver makes the GH app reject it.
It appears the the driver isn't maintaining thermostatSetpoint.
That makes sense. Thanks.
As my thermostats are always in AUTO, thermostatSetpoint doesn't mean anything versus the quite meaningful coolingSetpoint and heatingSetpoint. I'm sure that is how I overlooked it.
I'll look at how the generic driver calculates it when mode=auto (I assume it just averages cooling and heating setpoints), and add it in. Should be simple.
I don't maintain schedule[] in the driver either (as it doesn't apply). Guess I should look at that too while I'm at it.
Bummer if there is going to be a significant lift to supporting specific thermostat models. The home hub interface is great, it shows the temp, just won't set it.
Centralite Pearl / Generic Zigbee driver
schedule is not required, don't bother with it.
thermostatSetpoint follows the heating or cooling setpoint, when in auto and the device is idle it's updated based on the last operating mode.
Our drivers and the GH implementation look at and maintain a data variable "lastRunningMode" with "heat" | "cool" to track last operating mode.
You can blame GH's certification process for this, it was a requirement, and one of the reasons cert took as long as it did.
So if you have a thermostat driver, and you want it to work with GH, you need to maintain thermostatSetpoint properly as well as the data variable lastRunningMode
setting lastRuningMode: updateDataValue("lastRunningMode", "heat" | "cool")
reading lastRunningMode: getDataValue("lastRunningMode")
as an FYI, this value is stored in a data variable vs a state variable as data values can be read from apps whereas state variables cannot...
I can look at these, they may not have been updated for GH integration.