Good Job Guys ! < Very Cool Additions in 2.3.9!

I think we all need to applaud the guys a habitat for listening to the users !
And just take a sec. to show some appreciation to everyone that has worked so hard!

Everyone wanted a new dashboard < well they did it ..
Everyone wanted Drag/Drop on the Org. Dash < well they did it ..
Everyone wanted a Visual way of making rules < well they did it ..

I congratulate everyone at Habitat and the guys beta testing !
Thanks everyone for your had work and all they guys that make custom drivers also !

I thank you !


Congrats are in order, yes.

This is a very pleasant forum. I am on some other techie gadget user forums where half the posts are "THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! I SHOULD SUE YOU!!1"


I have a policy.. :smiley:

If I hear a sentence with. "SHOULD" in it, I treat as the person talking to themselves. I have found that if I ignore all sentences that contain 'should', happiness increases.



You should continue to think that way. :slight_smile:


At times, i have wondered if the folks at Hubitat listen to their Users. This release clearly says they do.
Thank you.


Im stil a baby user with Hubitat, but I really like the approach to the ez dashboards, I do hope we should be able to change icons in the tiles and such, love the drag and drop feature.

Also looking forward to test out visual rules builder
excellent job Hubitat.


Every single day, we listen. The bigger challenge is doing the things users want -- that takes time, prioritization, and commitment to offering the best hub we can.


Thank you for the kind words. If you enjoy your Hubitat Elevation experience, the greatest way to show your appreciation is by recommending us to your friends and family.

Also, please consider writing a quick review on Amazon

You can also drop a comment on YouTube and other social media platforms such as: X, Facebook, and Reddit

Thanks again for your continued support!


Like most companies, Hubitat is secretive about what it is doing behind the scenes, and therefore it is impossible to know what has been prioritized or committed until it is released. In the case of 2.3.9, we can clearly see that Hubitat is listening.
Again, thank you.


Folks, This platform keeps getting better and better! Kudos!

I'm at the point where the thing runs so smoothly, I hardly look at it anymore. When I do go back in, (usually months later) I think "OMG, this looks so much better than last I saw it".


Very cool addition! Congrats!

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I disagree, I believe the limitation is

that takes time, prioritization

I can't imagine you are short on commitment. From what I've seen you guys have an abundance of commitment :slight_smile:

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Latest update is great!, although I do have the remote access app, Im sure most will appreciate the direct link access, after all these updates, i feel so much more motivated to dig deeper into the system again with rule machine.
I dotn have a tons of automations, but rather use my hubitat for security and such, it have sofar not failed me once.
However is it possible to change icons on easy board, if lets say I want a diferent icon for the switches and such??, I have not seen where that could be done

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Thanks for the kind words. It is not possible to change icons on the Easy Dashboard.

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thank you for the answer, would it be something to consider adding to the easy board? change of icons I mean?

I am sure Hubitat has considered a lot of things with this new EZ dash. I think they are going for simplicity and ease of use for beginners rather than having a full feature set. It is like comparing Basic Rule vs Rule Machine, they have different intended audiences, and have different capabilities.

For now, advanced users that want or require more features would probably be best off to stick with the legacy dashboards.


I understand what you mean, I use both type of dashboards, visually I do like the new dashboards better, its more pleasing for the eyes and I really do love that new HSM tile that where you extend it and will show all info, meanwhile Ill just enjoy all the new updates on the system.
Again I gotta say my hubitat more than meet exspectations and beyond.

it plays so well with my hue lights, sensors basicly eerything from hue I throw at it, the same for aeotec. Ill soon add some frient sensors-plugs and siren.

Wishes for easy add ons: aqara - govee - google nest cams


Anyone know where to access the Intellij Idea plugin? I can't find documentation, and the Intellij plugin lookup failed to find anything from Hubitat or HE. Thanks.

It was not posted in public yet, it is a manual download / install plugin. Will have to wait for staff to post the instructions and link publicly (they have been alerted).

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I just updated my Hub because I saw this in the list and ended up here looking for how to use it.

I don't understand.. why even mention it in the release notes if no one can use it? It seems like it's been out for 3 weeks and not even a support thread saying coming soon?