The KONOzw is not listed for purchase on the site ( Nor is it available elsewhere. I don't know if you have to contact LUX directly (now part of Johnson Controls) to purchase the Z-Wave version.
@aaiyar already found it:
You cannot buy it directly.
"Must be a reseller to purchase this product."
When you add it to your cart and try to checkout, you are told to contact a sales rep for a quote.
It's only available through a DSC distributor, just like @aaiyar said.
Its already listed as a compatible device in Hubitat documentations
The KONOz Zigbee version is listed as compatible.
The KONOzw Z-Wave version is not yet listed.
Because you can only buy it through, only if you have a security system to connect it to. It's designed for use with their alarm systems....not with any z-wave hub.
I stand corrected , your right ,only Zigbee version is compatible with Hubitat. Sorry
GC-TBZ48L - Z Wave Plus
To be clear, I bought these off eBay as mentioned before, and it was from the exact listing referenced earlier by @Ryan780. I said I got them for $15 each, but I was mistaken, I bought at the listed price of $25 each.
I just opened up mine. I have the same model number, with the L but mine only has one sticker on the size, which does not include the Z-wave plus logo.
But I still haven't heard anything about the differences between a z-wave thermostat and a z-wave plus thermostat? @mike.maxwell, do you know if there is a difference btween z-wave and z-wave plus thermostats? Or is this a distinction without a difference?
i only have the plus version, so I don't know of the differences (if any) between firmware versions
No...i meant on the z-wave side. Is there a difference between z-wave plus thermostats and z-wave thermostats?
plus devices run at 100kbs, non plus at 40, is this what you mean?
beyond that it's possible that the newer firmware uses higher command class versions, but that has nothing to do with plus or not.
Okay, I think that answers my question...
What i was getting at is there is a difference between how Hubitat handles z-wave switches vs z-wave plus switches. I assume that is because one is plus and the other isn't and there is a difference in how the device operates depending on whether it is plus or not. I was just curious if there was any similar difference for thermostats but it if i understand you correctly, there isn't.
Most if not all the differences with plus devices reside at the zwave transport layer, the radio module deals with these, Hubitat deals with zwave devices at the application layer.
Just got my Gocontrol thermostat this afternoon , and its up and running. The back cover had the Z wave plus logo AND the cluster also showed Ox5E , so looks like I'm all set. Also with the help of other posts, I made two Virtual switches and rules to allow Alexa, by voice command, to raise or lower temp by a certain number of degrees. Guess thats as good as we'll get until Hubitat thermostat app is updated to allow Alexa commands
Thanks for all your input!
@aaiyar Will the HE adjust the schedule on the T6-Pro-Z-wave and vice versa or do they work independently?
I have a new GoControl sitting on my bench that perhaps I should return. If the schedules on the T6 and HE work independently, then I assume that they will conflict if someone else in house tweaks the thermostat. However, if the HE goes down, then the GoControl is stuck at the last setting.
I had been assuming that with the HE a dumb Z-wave thermostat was the way to go but would love to get your thoughts.
Yes. This can be done with the new T6 Pro driver that is in - however there is a current issue with that driver (unrelated to scheduling).
Edit - I am not using schedules on the thermostat.
From the install Guide:
"This thermostat may be configured to be programmable or non programmable.
Thermostat schedule is an optional menu item. It will only show up in the thermostat menu if enabled in the Installer setup – advanced menu. It provides setting for local thermostat schedule control.
Once the thermostat is included in to Z-Wave network, it assumes to be programmed from your Z-Wave controller and the program schedule on the thermostat is turned OFF by default. Use just the controller or associated app to program schedule (automation scenes) for the thermostat."